Warm up, 6 minutes Emom as a classEven Minutes Row 30 secondsOdd 20 air squats.. perfect air squatsStrength Front squats 5 sets of 5This needs to be heavier than your sets of 7 last week. 85-90 percent of 1 rm. 5 sets at that heavy weight. 3-4 warm up sets. WOD- *Instead of ghd do...Read More
Just a Wod today This is long- no strength today. we are only open in the morning. Hours are Christmas Eve- Classes at 5am, 6am, 9am, 10 am, then OPEN gym from 11am to 12 noon. No night classes Christmas Day- Closed New Year’s Eve- Classes at 5am, 6am, 9am, 10 am then open gym...Read More
40 minute cap.. is anyone going to make it to the deadlift bar?? 4 minute rest required before the deadliftSunday Funday teams of 2 or 3200 calories on the bike175 Burpees150 Snatches 95/65125 wall balls100 Slam Balls Over the Shoulder75 Knees to elbow.. actually hit or elbows (or 125 sit ups)50 Pistols or 100 air...Read More
Endurance is back… all that crappy Holiday food is piling up. Time to burn it off. 8am- 3 rounds for time Run 1 mile row 1600 Scaling 2 rounds or 1 round for beginners 9am- Mobility 10am- partners 80back squats 135/95 60 toes to bar 50 cal bike 80 front squats115/75 60 toes to bar...Read More
We are going to jump right into technique work today at the top of each hour. If you want to stretch or row arrive a little early Snatch technique work 0-1 Minutes 10 snatch grip high pulls 2-3 Minutes 10 Power position power snatches 3-4 minutes 8 hang position power snatches 4-5 Minutes 8 Power...Read More
Warm up- bike until 5 after no matter what time you get here.. early or late We are going to get right into squatting so you have time to work up to your goal weight on back squats. Warm Up EVERYONE does 2 Rounds 15 Perfect wall squat with a 1 second hold 10 push...Read More
Warm up- 5 minute row Then 3 rounds 20 Pass Throughs 15 Overhead Sqaut thearpy squats against the rig Strength- 3-3-3-3-3-3 Overhead squats If you are experienced with this movement go heavy 5-5-5-5-5-5 If you are not experienced. Use this time to drill technique. LOW WEIGHT Wod- **We want you to try for these overhead...Read More
Warm up- Start together at 5 after 8 minute Emom Even minutes 6 burpees Odd minutes 30 seconds bike Grab a bar 0-2 Minutes 10 Front squats 2-4 Minutes 10 Power Position Power Cleans 4-6 Minutes 6 Hang position power cleans, pause in the catch then front squat 6-8 minutes 6 Hang position squat cleans...Read More
Warm up 3 Rounds Run 200 20 Airsquats 10 Push ups Review points of performance of a front squat 4×7 front squats, all working sets should be in the 80-85 percent of your max range. Strength- Starting a short front squat cycle- Your weights for your working sets should be challenging EVERY TIME What is...Read More