
8am Endurance, 9am Weightlifting and 9am CrossFitEnduranceTeams of 3- split how you want35 Minute amrapBike 60 calsRow 60 calsSki 60 calsWhen you complete a machine the team does 15 sandbags over the shoulder before moving to next machine. 9am CrossfitWarm up6 minutes 5 pull ups10 push ups15 squatsWodRow 1000/9007 rounds6 T2B8 DB snatches alt10 seated...
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3 Minutes machine ThenSnatch Barbell Warm upsStrengthSnatch Every 1:15 x 10 SetsSets 1-5: 2 Reps @ 70-80%Sets 6-10: 1 Rep @ 83%+ 4 Sets, For Reps1:30 on/1:30 off15 Overhead Squats***-Max Toes to Bar in the Remaining TimeLoad: 135/95lb, 61/43kgWe know you are here to workout. An overhead squat is a great movement to have, but...
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Warm-Up 2:00 Row:30 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge:30 Puppy Dog PoseFor Quality2 Sets8 Inchworm to Hollow Hold (1sec)20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps10 Alternating Step-Ups5 Step-Down Box JumpsHandstand Walk**if you are working on handstand walks or going upside down DONT SKIP! If you are not interested in going upside down DONT SKIPWe will have options For Distance5...
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Warm-Up::45/:45 Couch Stretch12/12 Bird Dogs -then-For Quality:6:00 AMRAP:30 sec Wall Lean March10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers25 feet high knees 25 feet butt kicks Don’t skip this workout. everything can be adjusted. we know its hot out, we can scale back the run “Memento mori”Every 12:00 minutes, 3 sets, Complete the following:1000m RunSet 1: 60/48 Cal...
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Warm-Up:20 Seated 90-90 Rotations-then-For Quality:3 Rounds1:00 Cardio Choice10 Scap Pull-Ups + 5 Kip Swings + 2 Strict Pull-Ups10/10 Banded Monster Walks10 Bootstrap Squatswe will give you time to build a little past your starting backsquat weight “Meditations” For Load:20:00 EMOMMinute 1 – *Back SquatsMinute 2 – 6-8 L-Sit Pull-UpsMinute 3 – 6/6 Contralateral Front Rack...
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Warm-Up::45 Elevated Prayer Stretch15 Banded Pull Aparts-then-For Quality:9:00 AMRAP5 Inchworm Push-Ups10 Cuban Press, Light Loading5/5 Single Leg Plate Hops5 Tall Jerks, Empty BarStrength Part A6 Minute emom1 pause split jerk +1 split jerk. start at 75 percent and add weight*pause in the dip and the catchPart B6 Minute Emom1 split jerk. try all attempt above...
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12 Minute amrapSplit how you want20 Pull ups20 Db bench press60 Double undersWod 28 minute amrap, alternate rounds25 Foot bear hug sandbag carry10 sandbag squats25 foot carry back to your partnerWod 312 Minute amrap split how want20 Call row15 sandbag cleans10 Burpees over your rower
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Endurance 8am. Weightlifting TBDCrossFit at 9am8amTime to run again36 Minute Amrap. Teams of 3P1- run 400P2- rowP3-bikeSwitch when the running person gets back9am Barbell Primer 3 Sets, with an Empty BarbellTall Muscle CleanTall Power CleanTall CleanHigh Hang Power CleanHang Power Clean5 Romanian DeadliftsWodFor Time:5 Sets5 Power Cleans10 Deadlifts15 GHD Sit-Ups ****we will adjust the number...
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Warm-Up3 Sets, For Quality:20 Line Hops (Forward and Back)10m high knees10 Hip 90/90 Rotations:20/20 Second Copenhagen Hold:20/20 Second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold10 Alternating Box Step-Ups “Earn These Shields” For Time:1600m Run40 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs800m Run20 Dual Dumbbell Box Step OversDumbbells: 2×35/25bs (15/12kg)Box: 24/20” Goal: 17:00-21:00 Time Cap: 25:00 Stimulus: Leg Stamina /...
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Warm-Up For Quality2 Rounds30 second Elevated Prayer Stretch30 second Extended Reverse Plank Bridge 3 Rounds30 seconds Jump Rope10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift6 Inchworm Push-Ups20-30 second Wall Supported Handstand HoldPush PressEvery 2:00 x 4 Sets4 Reps @ 75%+The focus here will be to work from 75% to around 85% for 4 reps today. This should not...
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