WARM UP Banded Pull Aparts during WB Brief AMRAP 6 Minutes 10/8 Cal Bike 10 Ring Rows 8 Plate Ground to Overhead 15-25lbs :15 Handstand Hold THEN Hollow Hold Progressions *Enforce strong hollow and arch positions when on the rig for skill work. :15 STRENGTH AMRAP 1:30 x 4Max Sets of 5 Chest to Bar...Read More
Monday 2/6 WARM UP1:00 of PVC Pass ThroughsThen,2 Rounds14/10 Calorie Row10 PVC Overhead Squats>Empty Bar OHS10 Burpees :10 STRENGTHOverhead Squat6-5-4-3Bar is taken from the rack.Start moderate, and build to a heavy set of 3 or 3RM. :30 WOD AMRAP 9 Minutes x 230 Burpees30 S-DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs30 S-DB OHWL Steps 50/35lbs Rest...Read More
Warm up-Coaches choiceTeams of 2Wod 1-8 Minutes emomSwitching every round5 Pull ups7 push ups9 squatsWod 2- split how you want 12 Minutes Amrap60 wall balls50 alt DB snatches 40 ski calsAt the end of 12 minutes you will have 2 minutes to rest then go immediately into 2 Minutes Max reps of clean and jerks...Read More
8amTeams of 340 Minute AmrapPartner 1 bikesPartner 2 rowsPartner 3 Runs 400 (200×2) When runner comes back they go to bike, bike goes to row, row goes to run9am CrossFitWod 1-Teams of 212 Minute AmrapSplit how want30 wall balls 20 Cleans10 Burpees over your bar Wod 214 Minutes – teams of 2Climb the ladder Round...Read More
WARM UP 2 Rounds:30 Bird Dogs:30 Single / Double Unders5 Deadlifts (empty bar)10 Good Mornings (empty bar) :10 Strength5 Deadlifts x 5 sets @65% – 70% of 1 RM Make sure athletes focus on a deep stomach breath before every lift. Bar stays close to body!*Complete a set on the 2 minutes* :35 WODAMRAP 12...Read More
WARM UP 1:00 4 Way Glute ActivationThen:2 Rounds:30 Bike10 Air Squats (with band):30 Bike10 Cossack Squats:30 Bike6 Tempo Goblet Squats (light, 3 seconds down, normal drive up) :10 STRENGTHBack Squat5×5Rest 3-5 minutesbetween sets Set 1: 90%Sets 2-4: 90-95%Set 5: 90% All % based on 5RM. EXTRA…Wanna get shredded or what?3 Rounds20 Abmat Situps 30 Sec...Read More
16 days til the open WARM UPRow 500then:8 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows8 Hang Muscle Cleans6 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows6 Hang Power Cleans (At Power Position)4 Burpee Pull Ups/Ring Rows4 Hang Power Cleans (at Knee) :10 STRENGTHEvery :90 for 15:00 (10 sets)1 Hang Power Clean, Below the KneeStart in the neighborhood of 70% of your 1RM...Read More
WARM UP3 Rounds1:00 Machine (:10 sprint :50 sustain pace)20 Seated Light DB Strict Press3 Inch Worms with Push Up :15 SKILL DEVELOPMENT:30 Holds in Hollow Progressions and Arch THENEMOM 10 Minutes1 Perfect, repeatable set of Toes to Bar orKipping Knee Raises :35 WODAMRAP 16 Minutes in Teams of 3:P1: Max Rep Rope ClimbsP2: 6 S-DB/KB...Read More
Monday 1/30 WARM UP Alt. EMOM 9 Minutes1- 50ft Bear Crawl2- 50ft Duck Walk3- 14/10 Calorie Air Bike or 18/15 calorie Row :12 SKILLHandstand Walk Skill Warm Up1x :20 HS Hold1x :20 HS Hold + Weight Shift (lift hand off floor or shoulder taps)3x Kick Up + Walk into Wall (wall walks) then, 2:00 to...Read More