Sunday April 14th

Wod 1
9 Minute Amrap
50 cal row
10 sb over box
40 cals
10 sb over box
30 Cals
10 sb over box
20 Cals
10 sb over box
10 Cals

Wod 2
12 Minute Amrap
Wall ball
Power clean
burpee over your bar
*this is a ladder starting at 2,2,2 and increasing by 2 reps every round. The first rounds will go quick. the strategy for splitting the work will change. You are most likely not going to split 2, 4, or 6 reps of any of the movements between 2 partners

Wod 3
6 Minutes amrap
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Directly into 6 Minutes for both partners to find a one rep max shoulder to overhead. Bar starts from the ground not the rack.