Monday April 15th

10 Minute barbell warm up

10 Minutes Emom
2 Clean and jerks
you can start at 60 to 70 percent and move up, but this shouldnt end up as a two rep max.

*take time between the strength and wod to get some reps of whatever gymnastics movement you are doing for this work. You want your shoulders ready before you jump up on that bar

“Just Enough”
6 Sets, For Max Calories
3:00 minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
4 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean
4 Dual Dumbbell Step Overs 24″/20″
4 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
-Max Calorie Echo Bike
Rest 1:00 minute between Sets
Dumbbells: 50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)

Score = Total Sum of Calories
Goal Score: 15/11 Calories Per Interval
Primary Objective: Complete the buy-in work to the calories in 2:00 minutes or less
Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent calories across or increase the calories from
set 1 to set 6.

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
This workout is meant to have a small rep scheme in order for you to hold a good pace,
get the work done quickly and then move onto the Bike and hit a good strong,
sustainable pace. The goal here is to have 1:00 minute on the bike and try to hit 15/11
Calories in the remaining time. This workout is 6 sets deep, so do not get baited into
going out too hot today on this one.