Last two days to get your Driven Nutrition orders in! We will have a couple samples (what’s left) tomorrow then I want to get the order in by noon Friday so it gets shipped before the weekend! Good StuffWarm Up1. Find a partner2. Make sure you have partnerThen 2 Rounds20 Partner wall balls (pick a...Read More
Weight vest Wednesday! Warm Up 5 minutes on a bike or rowerBarbell Warm up- You can add weight during this, no more than 10 pounds though, this is barbell warmupSnatching skill and strength12 Minutes EMOM 3 roundsMinute 1- 7 snatch grip high pull Minute 2- 7 power snatch from the kneeMinute 3- 5 full snatches...Read More
Today is Driven Nutrition Sample Day!! Bring your shaker bottles. We will also have a limited number of samples to take home with you as well. I may even bring in some almond milk if you don’t want to use water for your protein. Here is what we have to sample3 Flavors of grassfed Whey...Read More
I pulled this explanation of how to attack your strength portions of workouts straight from the CrossFit mainsite as its the best summary I have seen in a long time. Strength- Back squat 3-3-3-3-3How should I approach this??? Read on my friends. Let’s start the week strong! We are crosfitters, we love heavy squats. Today...Read More
Sunday Funday Team Wods! Last day to order shirts! We are taking the order sheets in tomorrow! Driven Nutrition Sample Day is TUESDAY. As a team, on a running clock, complete the following 3 benchmark wods AFTER completing an 800m run buy inWod 1 Grace30 clean and jerks for timeWod 2 Double Helen *try to...Read More
8am Endurance All Running Option-8x400m with 90 second break. Over on the post office roadOption 2- Partner Chipper 100 Burpees 150 bike cals200 Rower Cals9 am mobility10am Partner wod For time: Split work however you want*run the 400s together*scaling options available 1000m Row Buy In35 Thrusters, 115/75 35 Burpees 400m run 30 Thrusters, 115/75 30...Read More
Ready for a fun one? Hope your legs aren’t too sore from yesterday!Warm up-5 minutes of run bike or rowThen 3 rounds of 10 air squats, 200m runTake 10 minutes to review the med ball cleanWod-3 rounds for time50 med ball cleans 30/20800m runEnjoy*scaled versions will be 2 rounds*if you aren’t currently running sub out...Read More
Time for some Olympic Lifting! *Weight vest Wednesday will be back next weekIs learning the snatch going to make or break your fitness? Probably not, but it will certainly help you learn to generate power, move quicker, be more flexible, have better balance and be more coordinated in general.General warm up 2 rounds (down the...Read More
Warm Up:2 Rounds:1 min Run(200m)-Bike-Row (Increase pace each round) 7 Leg Swings Each Leg 7 Squat Therapy Reps7 Scap Pull Ups 7 Push-Ups Strength/skill quality today, dont work over 70 percent10 Minutes Emom2 front squats **add weight each two rounds to reach a weight that is pretty far over your working weight for the wod....Read More