First things first. Happy Birthday Alison!!!!

Warm up
2 Rounds
10 Good mornings with your bar
10 Snatch grip deadlifts
10 Back squats with your empty bar.

2 Rounds Max Rep Back Squat @ 60-70% 1RM
Rest 4:00 between sets
Goal is 15+ reps in the first set. More powerful athletes should stay around 60% to get more reps. More endurance-based athletes should be closer to 70%

10 Rounds
8 KB Swings 53/35lbs
6 Toes to Bar
*Scaling: -KB swings should be 1-2 sets – ideally unbroken but as athlete’s grip fatigues, 2 sets could be necessary. -Toes to bar (or knee raises) should never exceed 3 sets, but should be 1-2 for most of the workout until grip fatigue really sets in.
*everyone shoot for under 10 minutes

AMRAP 5 Minutes
20 Single/Double Unders
10 Ground-to-Overhead with 25lb Plate
10 Empty Bar Thrusters (1-count pause overhead)

Strength second today

We will give you a few minutes to build up and practice a few squat cleans. Go through a few reps of front squats and push press and a few
“clusters” (squat clean thrusters.) Don’t blow your legs up, you will want to save them. This is not a squat clean then a push jerk. there is no re-dipping during the overhead part. its a squat clean plus a push press.. which is thruster, that starts on the ground every time

For Time 30 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95lbs
9 minute cap
If you hit the cap add 1 second onto your score for each missed rep.

Push Jerk 5×3, building in weight to a heavy set of 3
*Push knees out rather than forward on the dip portion of this. Remember you are breaking your hip angle. The bottom of the dip is similar to the power position in the clean and the snatch

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 Kip swings
20 Pass Throughs
1 Minute dead hang
10 deadlifts adding weight each time to get up to your first wod weight

AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3
80 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts 205/140lbs
60 Double Unders
6 Deadlifts 205/140lbs
40 Double Unders
4 Deadlifts 205/140lbs
20 Double Unders
2 Deadlifts 205/140lbs
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs.
Continue where you left off each AMRAP.

*do this extra piece as we are working on strict pulling this cycle
3 Sets Max Strict Pull Ups Right Into Max Kipping Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
Gymnastics kipping only – no butterfly.
If you are still working on pull ups do this with a band, you can kip with a band and do strict pull ups with a band

3 Rounds any machine
:30 Easy
:20 Moderate
:10 HARD
10 Power Position Squat Cleans
10 hang from the knee
10 Squat Cleans
*add weight to build to your workout out weight

Wod first today, then hit bench press or floor press after
10 Rounds
15/10 Calorie Bike or row
3 Bar Muscle Ups or ring, either is RX today
1 Squat Clean @ 80-90% (true 80 to 90 percent is rx)
Scaling: – Reduce bar muscle ups to allow for 1 set every time or burpee pull ups.

Floor or Bench Press 4×10 AHAP
As Heavy As Possible in this case means as heavy as possible while being able to control the bar, not bounce it off your chest, and complete the reps completely under control. NO MISSES. no re-racking, resting for a couple seconds then finishing out the set.

Partner Wod
Spend the first part of class getting your equipment ready for your team. one partner works at a time except on the run.
This is an AMRAP, see how many rounds you can get through in 30 minutes.

Then straight through
30 Minute Amrap
(start with 1000m row to be done once only as a buy in)

30 deadlifts (225/185)
60 wall balls (20/14)
60 kettle bell swings (70/55)
60 ab mat sit ups
400m run together

1 256 257 258 259 260 540