Lets have some fun with 20 Bar Facing Burpees, race your friends (SEND IT)
Then 2:00 Banded Front Rack Stretch (per side)
Then 7-5-3 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
Rest :30 after each set

Strength Pause Front squat
5 sets of 3 AHAP *you can build between sets

Do your extra work today listed after the workout. We are working on pull ups. A row is a form of pulling. any extra pulling work will help you with your pull ups.

AMRAP 6 Minutes
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike or rower
6 DB Thrusters 50s/35s
3 Devils Press 50s/35s
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes of the same
Continuing where you left of

3x 1 minutes of max reps renegade rows. rest 2-3 minutes between rounds
Don not rotate your torso excessively as you perform renegade row. Lighter DBs is better today – they’ll get tough!

800m Run or 1000m Row Then
10 Snatch Deadlifts*
10 Snatch Pulls
10 OHS
5 High Hang Squat Snatch
5 Low Hang Squat Snatch
5 Squat Snatches *All done with light weight

8 sets of 1 Snatch at 80 to 90 percent. A few sets to build to that then keep it heavy.

AMRAP 3 Minutes x 4
25/20 Calorie Row or bike
max reps DB snatches alternating in remaining time 70/50
Rest 3:00 between rounds
*score is DB snatches

*Athletes should have at least 1 minute left for dumbbell snatches. Some will have much longer. Cals may need to be adjusted for scaling. Practice a row or bike interval to be sure you have time for the rope works

Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
2 Wall Climbs
12 Jumping Lunges
2-way wrist stretch
DB snatches in remaining time
*figure out which version of the handstand you are doing

Will take a few mintues to warm up to your clean weight for the wod

Wod First today
5 Rounds
25 foot HS Walk
20 Single DB Box Step Ups 24/20″ with 50 or 35
3 Power Cleans 205/140lbs
**Scaling: -HS Walk: may reduce distance to take no more than :45 per round, or substitute 2 Wall climbs for the HS walk or 5 handstand push ups, 5 handstand push ups off a box, or 7 double db seated press on your back
**In morning classes leave a lane down the back of the gym for handstand walks, be careful. Night classes, when Weightlifters are there, we can leave a lane down either side of the gym.

Power clean weight should be heavy and can be done as touch and go or as quick-moderate speed singles.

After wod work
4×12 (6/leg) S-Leg Double DB RDLs
*you will get out of these of RDLS exactly what you put into them. Treat this as a strength session rather than just going through the motions.

Wod 1- 8 minute Amrap
4 minutes on the rower for calories-split work how ever you want
4 minutes of wall balls-split work however you want
*if there are more teams than rower this can be done on bikes

Wod 2- 8 minutes amrap
Run 800m, with remaining time do as many reps as possible of Clean and Jerks 135/95

Wod 3- 12 minute amrap
10 Kettlebell swings
7 Burpees
*for wod 3 one partner is running 200 while the other is working, switch when the running partner gets back in.

8am Endurance-
Partner 10k- We will do this “forward” this time
Work split between partners in a you go i go format
2- 1 mile runs
4- 800m
8- 400m
2- 200m

9am and 10am
AMRAP 21 Minutes
Bike 15 cals or Row/ski 300
21 Sumo DLHP 75/60lbs
Bike 15 cals or row/ski 300
9 HSPU or regular push ups, inverted push ups on a box, or push press with dbs.

Rest 5 mintues

4 Rounds
Run 200m
12 Pistols (25 air squat)
Rest 2:00
SPRINT the run

1 255 256 257 258 259 540