Find your buddy and head out the gym for sunday funday
Split work how you want.

5 rounds for time of:
5 Ring Muscle-ups (equal amount of burpee pull ups for sub)
10 Squat Cleans, 135/95 lbs
20 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

Rest 5 minutes

4 rounds for time of:
21 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
15 Toes-to-bars
9 Power Snatches, 115/80 lbs

For time
100 burpees
Every other minute both partners stop and run 200m.
8 minute cap


Finish in any order.. choose wisely. Split work between partners.

8- 400m runs
100 Cal Row
100 Cal bike
100 Burpees
HMMMMMMM how to split this up??

9am and 10am Wod
3 Rounds
350m Row
15 DB Deadlifts
3 Muscle Ups
250m Row
12 DB Deadlifts
2 Muscle Ups
150m Row
9 DB Deadlifts
1 Muscle Ups
DB Deadlift Weight: 20-50lbs
*yes repeat 3 times. sub for muscle ups is 2 times burpee pull ups

Rest 5

Wod 2
AMRAP 5 Minutes
10/7 Calorie AAB
5 Strict HSPU
Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP 5 Minutes
8/5 Calorie AAB

Sub seated db press for HSPU

3 Rounds
20 Double Unders
12 HEAVY Russian Swings
8 Scap Pull Ups
10 Empty Bar Low Hang Squat Snatches

Below the Knee Hang Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2 (75 percent of 1rm, drop and reset between REPS) rest 2-3 minutes between sets
*not from the floor, just below the knee

Pull Up *scale banded pull ups, jumping pull ups or ring rows
Overhead Squat 75/55lbs

This one is all gas pedal. 5 minutes-ish or less

Pull Ups should not take more than 2:00, 1:30, and 1:00 in each respective round. Athletes should be able to do nearly half of the round of 27 before coming off the bar, otherwise scale reps to 21-15-9 or less. -Athletes should be able to do at least 20 unbroken OH squats at whatever weight you pick. Otherwise reduce it further. If mobility is the limiting factor, athletes can front squat.

Extra, grab a rower and head outside for this extra cardio piece.
For Time
200m Row
400m Run
200m Row
Rest 3:00
200m Run
400m Row
200m Run
Rest 3:00
200m Row
400m Run
200m Row

Little Thursday pump session

Warm up
Amrap 5 Minutes
10 Cals
20 Air Squats
10 lunges

Alternating Every 3 Minutes for 30 Minutes (5 rounds each) alternate between:
a)10 Heavy Back Squats 70 to 80 percent even if you have to rerack briefly.
*newer athletes adjust reps to 7 or 8 and/or a lower percent.
b) AMRAP 3 Minutes 15 Push Ups 15 Bicep Curls
*In one 3 minute window athletes perform 10 heavy back squats out of a rack and then rest the remainder of the 3 minute window. In the next 3 minute window, they perform the AMRAP. Alternate back and forth for 30 minutes, or 5 rounds of each. Athletes may add a deficit to the push ups if desired/able.
*** This is 50 back squats. Think about your weight on this one. Newer athletes adjust reps for less volume. 8 or 7 per round.

3 rounds
Max reps til failure overhead tricep extension
Max reps double DB bench press

*should be pretty heavy, shooting for just over 10 reps

Lets have some fun with 20 Bar Facing Burpees, race your friends (SEND IT)
Then 2:00 Banded Front Rack Stretch (per side)
Then 7-5-3 DB Squat Clean Thrusters
Rest :30 after each set

Strength Pause Front squat
5 sets of 3 AHAP *you can build between sets

Do your extra work today listed after the workout. We are working on pull ups. A row is a form of pulling. any extra pulling work will help you with your pull ups.

AMRAP 6 Minutes
9/6 Calorie Assault Bike or rower
6 DB Thrusters 50s/35s
3 Devils Press 50s/35s
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes of the same
Continuing where you left of

3x 1 minutes of max reps renegade rows. rest 2-3 minutes between rounds
Don not rotate your torso excessively as you perform renegade row. Lighter DBs is better today – they’ll get tough!

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