Sunday Funday with a twist… This is a partner wod, until the final wod.Wod 1- 11 Minute Amrap, split the work how you want50 cal row150 doubles or 250 singlesWod 2- 11 minute amrap20 cal bike20 sumo deadlift high pulls 95/6520 burpeesWod- 11 minutes to finish DITCH YOUR PARTNER YOU ARE GOING SOLO100 DB single...Read More
Endurance- 5k Training. You have four weeks until you attempt to run your fastest 5k whether it here or at this race on Friday April 19th options-If you have run a 5k, treat this as speed work. Go fast on these miles3×1 mile with 5 minute restIf you haven’t run a 5k treat this as...Read More
Workout of the day can be found at games.crossfit.comAre you all ready for 19.4? Class times are 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am and then beginning at 4am we will start Friday Night Lights. Just show up anytime, warm up and we will get you into a heat.Read More
Because of the Crossfit Open we won’t be having a strength piece today. Instead we start class with a short 5 minute bike and then 15 minutes of mobility. Wod-Partner Wod-25 Minute Amrap Split all work however yo want. 2 sled pushes 50 foot overhead walking lunge with DB 40 wall balls 30 cal row20...Read More
Warm up-800 m run (morning classes run four 200’s so we dont drag dirt in)Then 4Rounds5 pull ups 10 push ups15 squats 10 pass throughsReview press, push press, push jerk…. as a family! StrengthStrict press- Work your way to a 1 rep max, start light, get at least 7 sets to get there. Might look...Read More
Today is going to be so fun! Warm up-Let’s try this again-8 minutes with a partner1 person bikes 1 minutes1 person does 10 air squats and the holds the bottom of their list squat until its time to switchGrab a bar-Clean progressions0-1 minute 10 power position clean pulls1-2 Minutes 8 power position power cleans2-3 Minutes...Read More
Be sure to submit your open scores if you haven’t.If you want to redo or need to do 19.3 arrange a judge before you get to class. Todays wod is a great example of intensity over volume. The wod should be fast! Pick weights and movement subs that keep you moving very quickly. Going heavy...Read More
Endurance-So you want to run a 5k? If you are interested, I will be running the Roar Through Ybor on Friday Night April 19th next 6 weeks of Endurance class will be programmed to 1. Get you to run your first 5k2. Try to get a you a PR time on your 5kHere are the...Read More
The next open Wod will be announced tonight at 8pm on Let’s do something different today.. a little active recovery for you. First 15 minutes of class will be mobility, we will start mobility at exactly 5 after the hourAt half past the hour we will start this partner wod. these are all movements...Read More