Wod 1 Running with Grace

Run 800
15 clean and Jerks 135/95
Run 800
15 Clean jerks 135/95

Immediately into

Wod 2-
20 Minutes to establish 1 rep max of this complex
1 Power Clean
2 Push jerks
2 Hang squat cleans

2 scores.. your score on wod 1 and your weight on wod 2

Endurance- 8am
It’s been awhile since we just went over to the post office road and ran 400’s. When done correctly this can be one of the tougher workouts at the gym.
Start with six 800’s with a 90 second rest between
Feeling good still? Add two more
Feeling like and animal add 2 more.
Shoot for the same fast pace on all 400’s which means you will have to hold yourself back a little bit on the first few and really push through on the last few. if you run a 2 minutes 400 on the first, and a 2:30 on the last, you went out too fast.

9am and 10am wod. For 9am and 10am come in and grab your equipment and go through the movements. We will start right at :15 after.

Rest 5 Minutes between wods

Wod 1 -5 rounds for time of:
Dumbbell Farmers Carry, 50/35 lbs, 50 m
Dumbbell Walking Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 10 m
10 Dumbbell Burpees, 50/35 lbs

Wod 2-
21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Dumbbell Power Clean, 50/35 lbs
Dumbbell Push Press, 50/35 lbs

Wod 3
3 rounds for time of:
12 Dumbbell Squats, 50/35 lbs
15 Dumbbell Floor Press, 50/35 lbs
18 Toes-to-bars

Crossfit Open Wod 18.1

Some of you like open.. some don’t. Either way the open wods are great workouts and many of you have done this one. Time to retest your fitness!

We have 9 rowers. If you want to do this wod exactly as written we might have to run 2 heats. Work with each other. If you are person that likes to get in the gym and get going, then go in the first group. If you like to warm up, go in the second group. If you want to use a bike.. .use a bike. Ideally would like to run the whole class at once so if a bike or rower doesnt matter to you, take a bike.

*work on the weaknesses with the extra time in class.
-Double unders
-Strict pull ups
-Muscle up progressions from the low rings
-handstand holds, push ups, walks

Why just a wod for class? To test progress! Warming up and hitting a workout as hard as you can will produce positive results. This is a great test of overall fitness and progress. Working on toes to bar still? do knee raises and keep intensity up. Did you do toes to bar in the open? maybe you were just learning them? get more rounds then. Did you do this scaled in the open? Go “rx” now, that shows progress!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks (50/35 5 one arm then 5 the other arm)
14-cal. row

Scaling and full standards found at this link


3 rounds adding a little weight each round
Starting to break down the lifts. This helps EVERYONE! Beginners and advanced athletes.
Minute 1- 10 Power position high pulls
Minute 2- 5 power position power cleans plus 2 front squats
Minute 3- 2 Hang from the knee power cleans plus 2 hang squat clean

14 minutes strength emom, every other minute on the minute perfrom this complex. this is not finding a max. this is working with moderate weight fixing technique
1 Power Position power clean
1 power position squat clean
1 Hang from the knee power clean
1 hang from the knee squat clean

Hang Power clean 135/95
Deadlifts 135/95
Wall balls 30/20

*Perform 50 double unders at the end of your round of 21-15 and 9.. so 3 sets of 50 doubles total for the workout
21 Hang power cleans
21 Deadlifts
21 wall balls
50 doubles
15 Hang power cleans
15……. Get it?

Weight Vest Wednesday

Strength first though

Strength (for quality not a 7 rep max)
5X7 Strict press. no bounce whatsoever. hold at the top for 2 seconds. Bar directly above you ears, head through. This is going to be on lighter side.. make it burn.

Wod 20 Minute Amrap. (wear a vest or not)
6 Pull ups
12 Burpees
24 Squats
Run 400m

1 276 277 278 279 280 539