8am Endurance Teams of 4-No rest on this one, switch Start with 5 Minutes of alternating sandbags over shoulder Then 30 Minute Amrap ofPartner 1- 200 MPartner 2- BurpeesPartner 3-SkiPartner 4-Rest*everyone will start on a station including one a rest. rotate stations when partner 1 gets back from the runCash out with 5 Minutes of...Read More
Warm Up Run 400m10 Strict Press, empty bar30 Jumping Lunges10 Push Press, Empty bar10 Scap Pull Ups10 Push Jerks, empty bar10 Kipping Knee Raises :20 ReviewToes to bar :30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet:30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended:30 Hollow hold with legs extended...Read More
Thursday 11/17 Warm Up2 Rounds12 DB Goblet Lateral Squats10/8 Calorie Air Bike/Row (HARD)12 Jump Squats10 Push Ups w/ a Twist :10 Strength -you have A LOT of time to get through this so don’t rushFind a 1RM Pause Back SquatFull 1-second pause in the bottom. :45 WOD For Time20/15 Calorie Bike20 Bar Facing Burpees20/15 Calorie...Read More
Warm Up 2 Rounds 200m Ski/Row 10 Plate Ground to Overhead THENThe Burgener Warm Up :15 Strength This should be lightEvery :30 for 10:00 (20 reps)1 Squat SnatchSets 1-5: all performed with a Tempo PullSets 6-16: build to a heavy but perfect snatch(no tempo pull)Sets 17-20: reduce weight and finish with 4 perfect reps :40...Read More
Tuesday 11/15 Warm Up 2 minutes on bike THEN 2 Rounds 10 Glute Activation (R and L) 5 Empty Front Squats 25 Foot Walking Lunge 10 Burpees Coach Focus: The day everyone has been waiting for is here! While most of your athletes may see the working sets working up to a 1RM is “fluff”...Read More
Monday 11/14 Warm Up4 Rounds1:00 Machine of choice10 Step Ups Every round, increase paceThen proceed to complete the workout specific warmup :15 Skill/ReviewEMOM 3 Minutes2-4 Pull Ups:30 Hollow HoldRight intoEMOM 3 Minutes2-4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups:30 Hollow Hold Right intoEMOM 3 Minutes1-2 Bar Muscle Ups:30 Hollow Hold :35 WOD Gymnastics Retest For Time10 Pull...Read More
Gym is closed today and tomorrow! Head out to Beach Brawl!! Getting the urge to compete. Sign up for The Barbell Beatdown on January 21st hosted here at the gym!!!www.barbellbeatdown.comRead More
Gym is closed Saturday and Sunday. Come out to Beach Brawl and cheer on one of our many many teams competing there! Veterans Day was started to honor military veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The holiday was originally started as Armistice Day, celebrating the end of World War I. Major hostilities in...Read More
NO MORNING CLASSES BECAUSE OF THE STORM. we will keep you posted about afternoon classes. Warm Up 3 Rounds:15 Second Bike Sprint10 Walking lunges5 Box Step Ups Moving in to >>>> :30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet:30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended:30 Hollow hold...Read More