Warm Up2 Rounds10/8 Cal on Ski8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip Press (snatch-grip push press behind the neck, ending in snatch overhead position)8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip RDLs5 OHS:10 StrengthSquat Snatch1×3 from Power Position1×3 from Hang, at knee, w/ tempo pull (3 seconds)1×3 Tempo Pull Squat SnatchesThen Squat Snatches off percentages,4 reps @ 65%3 @ 70%2...Read More
Warm Up2 Rounds1:00 Row10 Empty Bar Back Squats10 Jumping Air Squat w/ Wall Ball:15 StrengthBack Squats1×10 @ 55%1×8 @60%1×8 @65%1×8 @70% WOD3 Rounds750M Row30 Wallballs 20/14Rest :30 between RoundsToday we are focusing on wallballs while under fatigue. Wallballs should be unbroken preferably or done in big sets.:55 Cool DownLizardPigeonRead More
Monday 12/12Warm Up5 Minute amrap12/8 Cal Ski5 Light Single Arm Kneeling DB Press (each side)10 Banded Face Pulls 10 push pressReview the push press and build up to your starting weight :10 StrengthPush PressEvery 1:30 for 6 Minutes (4 sets) Off 1 RM1×10 @ 50%1×10 @ 55%1×10 @ 60%1×10 @ 60% :30 WOD4 Rounds For...Read More
For Time with a partner 40 minutes cap***Starting after the burpees partner will do a 100 foot yoke carry (50 down/50 back) after every movement. There will be sandbags at the 50 foot mark. perform 6 sand bags over the yoke (3 each) at the 50 foot mark and walk the yoke backRow 1000 100...Read More
8am EnduranceTeams of 335 Mintues Amrap. there is not resting teammate on this oneOne teammate starts on each station. Switch when the runner gets backRun 400SkiBurpees 9am CrossFit For Time with a Partner: 35 minutes cap- you are alternating rounds on this. one partner finishes as entire round then the next partner goes4 Rounds, alternating...Read More
Warm Up4-way Banded Glute Activation Steps, 20 perdirection + 5 pause air squats after every 20 Steps2 Rounds15 Goblet Squats8 S-Arm Devils Press w/light DB100m Row:10 StrengthEvery :90 for 12 Minutes (8×1)1 Tempo Back Squat AHAP3-second count to the bottom, no pause,stand up AFAP. WODFor Time6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6Devils Press 50s/35s200m Row (between each set, but not at...Read More
Warm Up2 Rounds200M Run5 Inchworms with push up10 Air SquatsTHEN as a class:30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet :30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended :30 Hollow hold with legs extended straight up :30 Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully:30...Read More
Warm Up4 Rounds1 minute machine20 Mountain Climbers:10 WODIn Teams of 4AMRAP 40 Minutes:50 BikeRest :10Athletes are essentially biking :50 every 4 minutes, sothey should be pushing an aggressive pace.Read More