Tuesday February 20th

We will be hitting cleans twice this week. The CrossFit Open is next week. register for it at games.crossfit.com
It’s a lot fun. We will be explaining the crossfit open more throughout the week.

Warm up
Barbell warm up

10 minute EMOM
2 Power Clean and Push Jerks @ 70%

After the EMOM will have time to go over gymnastics positions on the pull up rig. This is a time for newer athletes to practice these skills and for advanced athletes to warm up for the workout. Everybody, no matter how long you have been doing this, can benefit from practicing fundamentals.


9:00 minute AMRAP
6-9-12-15… Thrusters, 95/65 (43/30 kg)
9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
12/9 Calorie Row

Primary Objective: Get into the round of 18 Thrusters. The focus is to find a weight that
we can move unbroken through the round of 12 with.
Secondary Objective: Complete each round on the rower in under 45 seconds. Too many athletes will get consumed by trying to maintain big sets on the chest to bar, but
work with the style we have lately and just work to jump up quicker even if that means
smaller sets.