8am Endurance. Its been a while since the backwards 10k. Find your best 10k buddy and come on out. Split evenly you go i go2- 200m8-400m 4-800m2- 1 mile 9am and 10am. These Saturday workouts can be done as partner workout or scaled way back if you do not feel like doing all 3 workouts....Read More
3:00 Row bike or runThen2 Rounds10 PVC Pass Throughs10 Empty bar or pvc good mornings 10 empty bar deadlifts Strength Front squats7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Building in weight each set “Gritney Spears” AMRAP 8 MinutesRow 250m12 S-arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35lbs*8 Alternating PistolsRest :90 (after the 8 minutes)AMRAP 6 MinutesPick up where you left off and...Read More
4 Rounds:30 Machine – Easy Pace:20 Machine – Moderate Pace:10 Machine – Hard PaceThen3 Rounds10 Hollow Rocks10 Gymnastic Kips 8 Hang Squat Clean ThrustersNow that you are warm, start loading up your bar for your clean and jerk weight. Believe it or not we are 7 weeks into this cycle of clean and jerks. This...Read More
We are going to jump right into a squat warm up today as we want to leave sufficient time to get through the squats. Not looking for a one rep max towards the end but we are looking for very heavy singles. 2-3 minutes rest between sets, start your 5 at about 70 percent and...Read More
Warm up3 Rounds5 Clean high pulls5 Power cleans from above the knee 5 power cleans from the shin5 full squat cleansRow or ski 250Take time to build up to your clean and jerk weights for the wod. Lets be warm before we jump into thisWod 3 RoundsRow or ski 250m or bike 13/103 Clean and...Read More
Warm up 2 Rounds10 Plank Transitions10 Band Pull Aparts (RD1: Palms up, RD2: Palms down)Then2 Rounds10 Right Arm Russian KB Swings10 Left Arm Russian KB Swings 12 Goblet Reverse LungesStrengthEvery 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes (2) 1&1/2 DeadliftsGo heavier than the sets of 3 we did last week. This is 10 reps total. This deadlift...Read More
Sunday FundayWod 112 Minute amrap split how you want 20 cals on rower or bike20 Wall ballsWod 2 10 Minutes (you go i go) go quick, your partners fitness depends on it. 10 sit ups 10 airsquats run 200mWod 3- 8 minutes split how you want 20 db snatches 20 single arm db push press...Read More
8am Endurance PartnersIn any order, one partner workingEach run 1 mile2000m row100 Cal Bike100 burpees9am and 10am3 rounds for time of:12 Bar Facing Burpees9 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs6 Ring Muscle-ups (sub burpee pull ups)Rest 5 Minutes Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:7 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53 lbs7/5 Bike CaloriesRest 5 Minutes 4 rounds...Read More
3 Rounds20 Monster walks, 10 steps each way10 Air squats 10 Kip swings Strength5×5 Front squatsThis will take awhile. warm up to a working weight around 70 to 80 percent of 1rm then do all 5 sets at that weightWodAMRAP 8 Minutes2 Toes to Bar2 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 70s/50s4 Toes to Bar4 Double DB/KB Deadlifts...Read More
Warm up 15 Shoulder Press:30 Bike (moderate)9 Shoulder Press:20 Bike (hard)6 Shoulder Press:10 Bike (SPRINT)Then 1:00 Dead Hang from Pull Up BarToday is a handstand work day. STILL COME IN IF YOU HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF GOING INTO A HANDSTAND. WE HAVE SUBSTITUTIONS. Strength/skillEvery 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes 3 Wall walks into a Max...Read More