Let get outside today. It looks like its going start raining and not stop for 5 days. Warm up-3 rounds 20 lunges10 no push up burpees Grab a dumbbell for a little EMOM12 Minutes Minute 1- 14 Alternating CurlsMinutes 2- russian twist with DBMinute 2- 14 Tri Extensions over headMintue 4- Hold plank 40 seconds...Read More
Weekly reminder to keep that distance in the gym. Socialize all you want just talk louder and be better listeners so you can stay farther apart from each other. Biking or rowing cool downs please move the bikes or rowers outside. they are too close together as they sit now. We will gladly put them...Read More
Sunday FundayGym will open at 8:30 for open gym then a class at 10am. Please follow social distancing guidelines during all sessions at the gym. Outside area open for fitness as well. Going with Kettlebell workouts today and bodyweight movements Wod 18 Minutes amrap15 Kb swings 15 Push upsWod 216 Minutes 800M run buy in...Read More
You can use the outside area for open gym from 8-11Register for other classes 8 am endurance 1 mile time trial9am Open gym inside. Don’t run over into the 10am, go outside if you want to keep working10am Rx is 95/65Wod 17 Minutes 7 Barbell Thrusters7 Pull ups Wod 27 Minutes 7 snatches 7 Toes...Read More
Warm Up 3 Rounds 200 M run- High knees on the way out, butt kicks on the way back 5 Pull ups 5 Push upsTake 15 Minutes to work on your cleans, you can work up to heavy weight if you like. Wod 6 rounds for time6 Pull-ups7 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs6 Push Jerks, 135/95...Read More
Two options today! All Weightlifting working on snathces and back squats or two 15 minute metcons (Metcons will depend on weather. Looks like it might rain all day)Option 1Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.Back squats 5×5 working 10 to percent higher than last week ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...Read More
Warm up3 rounds for time200m run10 squats 10 pull upsDo one round of 10 cals and 10 wall balls to get used to the wod*take 5-10 minutes to go through some rowing and wall ball tips and tricks. Wod is 19 Minute Amrap19 Wall Balls19 Cal bike or row or a 300 meter run (to...Read More
Warm up4 rounds 200 M Run10 no push ups burpees 20 Jumping jacks Strength Front Squats 5 sets of 5, take it light Wod 3 rounds for time of:50 Double Unders or 100 singles 25 sits ups10 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbsRead More
Regular hours today. Please maintain social distancingMemorial Day is about honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Here are several hero wod options for the day Warm up will be spent going through the movements in the workout out you pick Option 1 “DT”Five rounds for time of:155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps155...Read More
Sunday Funday! 10 spots inside, 10 spots outside. no squat rack necessary for this workout.10 outside people can stay right by the building, its still shaded at 10am Warm up- Run 800m and go through the movements in the workout. Wod 19 Minutes Amrap9 single arm devil press9 Burpees Rest 3 Minutes Wod 2 8...Read More