Warm up
3 Rounds
100 M run
10 Ground to Overhead
10 No push ups burpees
10 Push ups

Chipper fun Dumbbell verison (cap yourself at 20 minutes and move on if you didnt make it)
60 DB Snatches (right arms only) 50/35
60 Burpees
60 DB Snatches (left arms only)
60 Air Squats
****Scale to 40 if this seem excessive, which it does.
Rest 5 minutes (Cap yourself at 10 minutes on this second one)

30 Single Arm DB OH Squats (right only)
30 Burpees
30 Single Arm DB OH Squats (left only)
30 Air Squats
****The single arm overhead squat is one of the toughest movement to master. If you are struggling try a single DB lunge. If you are struggling with that just switch to a single arm front rack DB squat. Go light if you are attempting the single arm overhead squat. Use a water jug, a can of soup, anything light to try and work through this movement

______________________________________________________________________________Barbell Chipper version (time cap yourself at 20 minutes)

30 Power snatches 95/65
60 Burpees
30 Power snatches 95/65
60 Air squats
*scale snatched to 20 if 30 seems like too much

Rest 5 Minutes

15 Overhead squats 95/65
30 Burpees
15 Overhead squats 95/65
30 Air squats

*If overhead squat are too tough with an empty bar, and you wanted a little weight switch to front squats. Although practicing overhead squats with an empty bar or even a stick is the only way to get better at them

Warm up today!
Run or run/walk 1 mile, get out and do this. Surprise yourself, push yourself
Then 2 rounds
20 Push press with empty bar or broom stick
20 squats
20 Sit ups

20min. AMRAP: DB version
10 DB Push press (5 each arm)
10 DB Swings (5 each arm)
10 Squatting tuck jumps or weighted step ups
200 M run

Barbell Version
20 Min Amrap
5 Push press 135/95
7 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Squatting Tuck Jumps as high as possible. Be explosive, pretend you are trying to jump to the highest box ever
200m run

Wod today is called “Chief.” It’s a tribute Wod to the United States Navy

Warm up
Run 5 minutes, time yourself two and half minutes out 2 and half minutes back
Then 3 Rounds
10 Push press empty bar or broom stick
10 squats
10 no push up burpees

Today’s workout is meant to be 3 minutes of all out work times 5 rounds. Keep track of total rounds. Pick up where you left off if you finish a partial round. So go all out for the 3 minutes and savor your 1 minutes of rest

“Chief” This is five amraps that are each 3 minutes long with a 1 minute break between amraps
Dumbbell version
3min. AMRAP: X5
3 DB Power Cleans 50/35s (if you just have one db make this 4 DB power cleans, 2 each side)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats

1min. REST between 5 rounds

Chief barbell version
Five 3-minute AMRAPs in 19 minutesAMRAP in 3 minutes x 5
3 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats

** Go all out for three minutes and rest a minute after. Do this 5 times.

Extra Work
5 rounds
30 seconds Hollow hold, straight into
30 seconds superman, straight into
30 Plank hold, straight into 30 seconds rest

Chipper wod today!

Have some fun with this chipper. As stated in the video you don’t need to do your farmer carries with two equal weights. How often in life are you carrying two perfectly balanced items in each hand? Never. Bags from any store are unbalanced. Carrying your kid in one arm and groceries in the other, all unbalanced.

Warm up
5 Rounds
5 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups

Wod- Dumbbell Version
For Time:
400m Farmer Carry *1 Db or 2, 2 paint buckets, two back packs filled with anything except feathers.
40 DB Squat Cleans- 1 Db or two, alternate arms for 2
40 DB Push Presses 1 DB or 2, alternate for 2
200m Farmer Carry

Wod- Barbell version
400 M farmer carry, literally carry anything. Carrying an empty barbell is tough, don’t let the ends smash into the ground
40 Squat cleans or power cleans 135/95
40 Push press 95/65
200 M Farmer carry

Extra ab work for all
3 rounds
45 seconds sit ups
45 second heel touches
45 seconds hollow hold
45 seconds Russian twist
Rest 2 minutes

Tough one to start a Monday
Warm up
3 Rounds
100 m run
10 ground to overhead
10 squats
5 Push ups

Wod Dumbbell version
10 Rounds For times
10 Alternating DB Snatches Or Alternating DB Clean and Jerk
100m Sprint
10 Burpess
90 seconds rest after each round

Wod-Barbell Version
5 Power Snatches or 5 Clean and Jerks
100m sprint
10 Burpees
90 seconds rest after each round

*use your whole 90 seconds, this built in break is there so you can keep your intensity higher during your actual working time. Try to get your heart rate down a little. Deep breaths.

Extra work for all!
5 Rounds
10 Barbell Rows or Dumbbell rows (5 each arm)
10 push ups

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