Warm up
2 rounds
20 Lunges
5 deadlifts with light weight
5 KB swings to eye level (workout will be KB overhead)

Tempo Deadlifts
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
3 reps
3 seconds up 4 seconds down
Time under tension today. next week is 4 reps then we are just about done with this deadlift cycle

AMRAP 15 Minutes
50 Double Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs
50 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs
50 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs
*** Rest 2:00 after you finish one round if you make it…..
Scaling: -KB Swings should not exceed 3 sets in any round. -Double unders should not exceed :60 in any set, otherwise reduce reps, count attempts, or modify to singles.
***Take short strategic breaks on the kb swings. Don’t let a 5 second planned break turn into a 20 second break

Extra work
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
25 foot handstand walk
Every 2 minutes hold a handstand against the wall for 45 seconds.
Max over head static hold with a plate

Warm up
Grab an empty bar then just for fun 10 burpees over your bar
Then as a class
2 Rounds
Minute 1- 7 snatch grip high pull, 7 power position power snatch
Minute 2- 7 hang power snatch
Minute 3 4 power snatch from the knee– 2 OHS — 2 Full snatch

20 Minutes to work on sets of 2 snatches. Can reset between lifts, no more than a few seconds break

3 Rounds
2 Min max cals
2 Min devil press 50/35
Score is total reps
No break between rounds
*devil press video below

4 Rounds
10 Burpees
sprint 200
rest 2 Minutes
*get a friend, race them
Want some skill work
do a few sets of
4 toes to bar
3 chest to bar
2 Pull ups
1 Bar muscle up


NEW 5 rep max squat day. We are also hitting 5×5 at 90 percent of this number later in the week. Starting to wrap this squat cycle up.
This is how we get stronger.

Strength- Find New 5 rep max

After that start warming up for the heavy cleans in the wod.
There are two versions of the wod today. We understand not everyone likes to or even should go heavy on Olympic Weightlifting movement.
If your strength is ahead of your technique, which in many cases with new athletes it is on the Olympic Lifts then you might not get a lot out of a wod that has “3 heavy cleans” as one of the movements. No worries. we will up the reps and lower the weights so you get the best possible workout in

10 Minute Amrap
3 Power Cleans 225/155
9 Burpees over your bar
Or if you are not comfortable with heavy cleans yet
10 Minutes Amrap
6 Power cleans at about 60 Percent of your 1 rM
9 burpees over your bar

Extra Work
If we have time inside…
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes
Run 200, 2/1 rope climb

If next class is starting and extra work needs to be done outside
Evety 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes
Run 200
6 chest to bar Pull ups
6 toes to bar of knee raises

Partner Wod

Straight through, no rest.
Don’t share wall balls unless you are family.

50 Single arm DB (alternating) clean and jerk. One side of the DB hits the ground each rep. split work as needed.

Straight into
3 Rounds
Run 400 together
42 Kb swing (split how you want)
24 pull ups (split how want)

Straight into 100 wall balls for time.

The Backwards 10k team workout. Try to have the same partner you did the first time.
Work its split, you go… I go…
2×200 (each partner runs one each)
8x 400 (each partner runs 4 each)
4 x 800 (each partner runs 2 each
2×1 mile (each partner runs 1 mile each)

8am and 9am
3 Rounds for time
15 wall balls
15 Power cleans 95/65

Rest 5
Pull ups
bar facing burpees

Rest 5
Toes to bar
Box jumps
Push press 135/95

1 263 264 265 266 267 540