
2 Rounds rotating Every Minute: 1: 1:00 Row2: 1:00 Handstand Hold/Free Standing Handstand Hold practice3: 10 Light KB Taters…..whats a tater?Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes- taken from the floor3 Touch and Go Push Press AHAP Starting around 65-70% and building *Bar taken off the floor, not the rack, the floorWod:For Time 5 Rounds10 HSPU12...
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Foam Roll Upper Back and Lats 2:00-3:00 1:00 HS Hold-Then-2 Rounds10/7 Calorie Bike10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25lbs 25’ Duck Walk10/7 Calorie Row StrengthOn a 12 Minute Clock, Practice the following complex1 Power Position Power Snatch1 Hang Power Snatch (At the Knee) 1 Power Snatch (From the floor) *Drop and reset. try to do a...
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Closed for Memorial Day. Enjoy some time with your friends and family and don’t forget those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Keep your eye on Facebook members group. Sometimes a coach will open the gym up in the afternoon for some open gym time.
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8am-Solo endurance! 10 minutes bike10 Ski 10 Minute rowRun 1 mile 9am 20 Minute amrap alternating rounds with a partner100 Foot empty sled push10 wall balls5 burpees*max of 30 seconds on sled, 30 seconds on wall balls and 30 seconds on burpees. You should be alternating rounds about ever 90 seconds.. it will be a...
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1:30 / Side Twisted Cross 2:00 4- Way Wrist Stretch-Then-Straight Through 20 Burpees1:00 HS Hold45 Double UndersStrengthFor Load, building: warm up first! Today will be weightlifting reps not metcon or crossfit reps which means NO BOUNCING the bar off your legs or using a stretch reflex to help you move more weight. Whats a stretch...
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Don’t forget Murph Hero Wod this weekend. You can do the entire things, half, TEAMS which we havent done before. The important thing is to show up! Heat timeMidnight Murph Saturday the 28th at 10pm- Big turnout for this every year! Sunday 5am to 8:30am ish.. start by 8:30 please Monday Memorial Day- Closed AMRAP...
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3:00 on a Machine, Then 3 Steady Rounds 25’ Duck Walk3 Explosive Broad Jumps10 In-place Light Reverse Lunge Steps 10 Hollow Rocks Theses waves take a long time to complete with proper warm up. Focus on weightlifting today! No weight vests, no wod. skill session after this lifting every week. Squat Clean and Split Jerk...
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Don’t look at todays workout and say poo poo on this. This is tough. there is enough bikes and enough rest time for everyone to use bikes Warm up-3 rounds 10 burpees 20 seconds bike – getting faster every round 5 pull ups to catch your breath WodEvery 3 minutes for 30 Mintues (10 rounds):10-:15...
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On a 7 Minute Clock Run 400m30 Jumping Lunges 20 Scap Pull UpsMax Freestanding HS Hold in Remaining TimeStrengthOn a 15 Minute Running Clock:Build to a heavy set of 2 Push Presses Wod200m Run10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs 10 Handstand Push Ups200m Run10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75lbs 10 Handstand Push Ups200m Run10 Hang Power Cleans...
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