Tuesday October 4th

Tuesday 10/4
200M run
REST :30 seconds
400M run
REST :30 seconds
600M run

Pull Ups
EMOM 3 Minutes
2-4 Pull Ups
6 Unweighted Step Ups
Right into
EMOM 3 Minutes
2-4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Unweighted Step Ups
Right into
EMOM 3 Minutes
1-2 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Unweighted Step Ups, with workout weight

:35 WOD
FOR TIME *if scaling to all pull ups Please reduce reps to 5-10-15 per round. this is a lot of pull ups.
Ring rows can be very difficult if your feet are way out in front of you. Switch to ring rows before shredding your hands please.
10 Pull Ups
20 S-DB Box Step ups
15 Pull Ups
15 S-DB Box Step ups
20 Pull Ups
20 S-DB Box Step ups
10 C2B
20 S-DB Box Step ups
15 C2B
20 S-DB Box Step ups
20 C2B
20 S-DB Box Step ups
10 BMU
20 S-DB Box Step ups
15 BMU
20 S-DB Box Step ups
20 BMU
20 S-DB Box Step ups
15 Min Cap
Step Ups 50/35lb to 24’ 20’ box

Jumping Pull Ups > Band Assisted Pull ups or Ring Rows > Unassisted pull ups
You may reduce the gymnastics progression reps from 10-15-20 to something like 5-10-15
Thread the needle