2 Rounds while going over whiteboard30 Second Squat Hold10 air squatsThen 2 rounds of 10 Knees raises 10 Empty Bar Front Squats 20 singles Review front squat by going over 2×5 sets with empty bar with some tempo and a holdTake a few minutes to build up to a first weight. We arent talking 10...Read More
1:30 Pvc pass through while coach is going over board thenAMPAP 6 Minutes10/7 Calorie Bike, increase intensity:20 Dead Hang10 Hollow Rocks:20 Plank TransitionsPull up, push review3 Rounds1:00 Max Rep Banded Strict Pull Ups:30 Rest1:00 Max Rep Push Ups:30 RestPull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band...Read More
Grab a foam roller to roll legs while Coach is going over whiteboardThen3 Rounds 10 Jumping Lunges8 Empty Bar Jump Squats200m RunReview Back squats points of performance and do 3×3 tempo back squats as a class Back Squat5-3-3-2-2-1Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 3 weighted vertical jumps for max power. Hold two light DBs (10-25lbs)...Read More
2:00 Row (Increasing speed every 30 seconds)Then:30 Hollow Hold15 Empty Bar Push Press:30 Superman Hold15 Empty Bar Push Press:30 Active Hang from Pull up BarMuscle up (or pull up, we will meet you where are at!) progressions5 Jump to Hollow 5 Jump to hollow + kip5 Jump to hollow + kip + knees to bar...Read More
We are going to go through a proper Deadlift and pull up warm (mostly deadlift) before starting this wod. Warm is coaches choiceAfter warm up build to your starting weight. The workout is one of those challenges that Rogue puts out. You do not have to go rx unless you are actually signed up. Pick...Read More
8am Endurance Week 2 of the free trial of adult Weightlifting class continues this week. 9am! be there!!!! 9am CrossFit class with Coach Emily8am Endurance Teams of 3Run 800 togetherComplete 100 cals on a machine split how you wantRun 800 togetherComplete 100 cals on a different machineRun 800 togetherComplete 100 cals on the last machineRun...Read More
Air Bike 3:00, increase pace every :60Then 2 Steady Rounds: 12 Lunge + Twist Steps 20 Wallballs:30 Dead HangStrength Back Squat 5-3-3-3-2-1Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 5 Medball Bearhug jump squats with 20/14lbs as explosively aspossible.Rest 3-5 minutes after each set.Start at 80% and add weight each set, ending with a heavy single. **Goal:...Read More
2 Rounds20 Duck Walk Steps12 Empty Bar Pause OH Squats Run 200mAfter that, athletes perform 4 sets of a :10 Ring Support Hold, (alternating between topof the rings and bottom of rings – 2 each)Strength/SkillFor Proficient Athletes with 3+ Muscle UpsE2MOM 8 Minutes1 Max set of Muscle UpsFor Athletes with 0-2 Muscle Ups E2MOM 8...Read More
Alternating EMOM Teams of 3 for 9:001- 10 Goblet Good For Yous (Lunge Right-Leg/Lunge Left-Leg/Squat) 2- 10 Burpees to 6” target3- 50m Empty Sled Push or 100m runWodAMRAP 30 MinutesTeams of 3, One partner working at a time20 DB Lunge Steps 50s/35s 12 Burpees100m Empty Sled Push CONDITIONINGFeel: Gas Pacing: ReachTarget Score: 4 rounds each...Read More
Tricep Smash 1:30/ SideThenOn a 4:00 Clock Row 500m20 Front Squats with Empty BarFreestanding HS Practice in time remainingStrength/skillE2MOM for 12 Minutes(2) 1-1/4 Front SquatsRest As NeededCoach Focus: Teaching athletes how to harness the value of the “bounce” and how to not have thebounce change their torso angle is a skill that must be practiced....Read More