Friday 9/9 Warm Up 500M Row Then Coach Lead Barbell Warm Up 1st round w/ Coach – 2nd solo 5 Empty Bar Front Squats 5 Strict Press 5 Empty Bar Thrusters (building off this for a thruster review) :15 Strength Find 3 RM Thruster :35 WOD Jackie Pro For time: 1,000-m row 50 thrusters 95/65lbs...Read More
Thursday 9/8 Warm Up 50 foot High Knees 10 Jumping Air Squats 50 foot Butt Kicks 10 Jumping Air Squats Then Coach Lead Barbell Warm Up 5 Snatch Grip High Pull 5 Snatch from Power Position 5 Hang Snatch 5 Snatch from Shin 3 Tempo Snatch w/ Empty Bar :15 Strength Tempo Power Snatch (5...Read More
Tuesday 9/6 Warm Up 400 Run Then 3 Rounds 12 Bird Dog (6 each side) 6 KB RDLs 6 Empty Bar Deadlifts (Build off of this for a deadlift review) :15 Strength Deadlift 5×5 @75 of 1RM :35 WOD Rinse ‘N’ Repeat (Originally a swim and ski event. Ski will sub for the swim; sand...Read More
Monday 9/5 LABOR DAY 5,6,9, and 10 am classes only Warm Up 2-minute row Followed by coach lead barbell/skills warm up 3 Clean high pull from power position 5 Air squats 3 Cleans for Power Position 5 Air Squats 3 Hang Cleans 5 Ring Rows 5 Cleans 5 Ring Rows *Add weight and warm up...Read More
Warm up3 Rounds 200 M run30 single unders10 no push up burpeesto follow a pattern of the past few Sunday we will start with a mostly body weight workout, then go into some lifting, then end with a good cardio piece Partner workoutsWod 1-AMRAP 7 minutes Alternating rounds with a partner 5 wall balls 5...Read More
8am Endurance 9am Crossfit 9am Adult Weightlifting8amTeams of 3 Start with 5 minutes of max sandbag cleans over you shoulder, split between the 3 people however you want.. but hopefully equallyThen at the 5 minute markStart a 20 minutes amrapPartner 1 hop on a rower (for meters)Partner 2 jump on the ski erg (for meters)Partner...Read More
Warm Up20 Slow Cossack Squats (10/ Side)-Then-3 Rounds10 Jumping Lunges6 Empty Bar Front Squats:20 Bike sprint :10 ReviewUsing a 5 Second PullSet Up (Barbell above base of toes, toes slightly turned out, shoulders over bar, weight mid foot in set up)Mid ShinHang (shave thighs with bar, knees scoop back under bar to reach power position)Power...Read More
Warm Up1st- say Happy Birthday to Coach Ashley ThenAMRAP 8 Minutes200m Row10 Band Pull Aparts:15 Handstand Hold8 Empty Bar Push Press :10 ReviewHandstandsProtect your neck! Chin stays in neutral. Meaning you should see the rig in each rep.STAY STACKEDIf an athlete throws his/her head out and looks at the floor beneath them in their handstand...Read More
Wednesday 8/31Warm Up2 min Banded glute activation (all 4 ways)Then3 Rounds8 KB RDLs8 Goblet Lunge Steps200m Ski:10 ReviewShoulders over wristStraight arms, ARMS ARE STRAPS deadlifts are not ¼ bicep curls at the top of the liftBarbell should move up and down (no sideways rainbows)Weight mid to back footAggressively squeeze glutes as bar passes the knees...Read More