Warm Up:3 Min Run(600m)-Bike-Row THEN3 Rounds: 10 Walking Lunges 5 Empty Bar SDLHP5 Med Ball Cleans 7 Empty Bar Power Clean + Push PressWorkout:DT 5 Rounds: 12 Deadlifts 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65 6 Push Jerks, 155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-95/65In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed...Read More
With A Partner Split Reps Any Way 3 Rounds: 40 Wall Balls 20/14 30 Pull-ups 20 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55**Non Working Partner Holds A Slamball** Rest 5 Minutes 42-30-18 Weighted step ups 35/20 Handstand Push-up INT-Extra Mat Progression BEG-DB Strict Press Toes-to-bar INT-Leg Raises BEG-Knee Raises **Non Working Partner Holds A Slamball** Rest...Read More
8am Endurance: Rain editionClassic parther row20 Minutes 10 rounds each-45 seconds on 15 second transition, next partner goesRest 5 minutes Not so classic partner bike16 minutes 30 seconds on, 30 second transition, next partner goes9am Mobility with Coach Alison10am Class Workout: Partners4 Rounds: 8 Power Cleans 205/145 INT-175/115 BEG-125/858 Front Squats 205/145 INT-175/115 BEG-125/858 Shoulder-to-Overheads...Read More
Warm Up:3 Rounds: 1 min Run(200m)-Bike-Row (Increase pace each round) 7 Ring Rows or Pull-Ups 7 Push-Ups 5 Low Ring Muscle-Ups or Ring Row+Jumping DipWorkout:SINCE WE MISSED WEIGHT VEST WEDNESDAY YESTERDAY TODAY CAN BE VEST OPTIONALPart1-Bike Calorie: 10 sets of 10 Second Sprint with 50 Second RestScore is the total Calories performed in all of...Read More
Warm Up:2 Minute Run(400m)-Bike-RowTHEN4 Rounds: 5 Down Dog to Seal Stretch5 Empty Bar Power cleans 5 Empty Bar Bent Over Rows 5 Empty Bar Front Squats10 Empty Bar Front Rack Lunges15 minutes to build to your heavy clean for the wod Workout:5 Rounds 30 Ft Handstand Walk INT- 4 Walk Walks or Distance Change BEG-...Read More
Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 50 Double Unders or Singles 8 Bent Over Barbell Rows 5 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows(No need for bands)10 Push-Ups 10 Sit-Ups 15 Air Squats(Add Squat therapy if you’d like)Strength:Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 70%-75%-80%Not meant to be heavy, more concerned with form for these small sets. Workout:21-15-9 Burpees Knees-to-Elbow INT-Knees to Arm BEG-Knee Raises...Read More
Warm up-2 Rounds15 Air squats10 empty bar presses 200M runPlain an simple CrossFit todayStrengthBack squat- 3 to 4 sets to warm up then 5×5 increasing weight each set. last set should be a real fightWod Fight Gone Very Very Very Bad3 Rounds For Reps **1 Minute Per Station, with a minute rest after 5 minutes...Read More
8am Endurance: Scaling and solo options available Team Endurance, you go i go15 min max cals on a bike, switch every minute straight into 15 min max cals on rower, switch every minutesstraight into 15 max 400 meter runs, switch every 400. Score is calories plus 1 point for every 400m run9am Mobility10am Class Workout:Warm...Read More