Warm up 3 Rounds 200 M Run20 Jumping Jacks 15 Air Squats Wod first today!Chipper40 Cal row or bike30 Med or D-ball squat cleans 50/3020 Box step over with the ball40 HSPU or Dumbbell press*this is high volume and going to be tough with spacing. Do DB presses if 40 HSPU fairly quickly isn’t happening...Read More
Keep up on the social distancing. 6 people can use the outside rig tomorrow for wod 1. Wod 2 will be completely outside Wod 112 Minute Amrap-10 single arm Dumbbell clean and jerk (5 each arm) 8 push ups6 Pull ups Run 200m Rest 5- Wod 2 for time400 M Farmer Carry40 Alt DB snatches...Read More
Please continue to sign up for class. We have to limit occupancy to meet social distancing guidelines. If the inside area is full please utilize the outside area. Gym can be used for open gym from 8am to 10am. Be sure to reserve your spot. There will also be regular classes at 8am Endurance 9...Read More
Warm up3 Rounds 10 kip swings 10 push ups10 Squats 200 m runStrength Tempo Front squats 70 to 80 percent of 1rm3-2-up3 seconds down, 2 second hold. shoot up from the bottom3-3-3-3-3 Wod (2 wods)6 Minute Amrap14 wall balls8 burpees Rest 4 Minutes 6 Minutes Amrap14 Burpees 8 wall balls *you’re going to have to...Read More
Hero Wod DayChoose one“Jerry“ For time:Run 1 mileRow 2KRun 1 mileSgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor. Option 2...Read More
Warm up3 RoundsRun 20010 lunges 10 Presses with an empty bar Strength 7 sets of 3 push jerks from the rack. *It’s been a while since we just work on push jerks. Remember dip drive dipWork toward a 3 rep max Wod-4 Rounds For time10 Front Rack lunges with a barbell 135/958 Push jerks6 Chest...Read More
Warm up 2 Rounds 10 Good mornings with an empty bar10 Romanian deadlifts 10 Regular deadlifts Take a few minutes to warm up to your deadlift weight Strength Tempo Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.Tempo: 7171 Tempo Eccentric (descent): 7 secs Pause (bottom): 1 sec...Read More
Warm up4 Rounds5 Pull ups10 push ups 10 squats Strength Back Squat emom*you will have about 10 minutes to warm up to your emom weight8 Minute emom4 Back squats*32 squats in 8 minutes is a lot of volume. Work between 60 and 70 percent. If you are feeling really go a little higher Wod4 Rounds...Read More
Warm up, find a partner that you are going to stay 6 feet away from. Wod 1-12 Minute AMRAP- 10 burpees (split as needed) 12 single arm thrusters (split as needed)14 push ups (Split as needed)*One partner runs to cones out front while other partner rests. start next round when your partner gets backRest 4...Read More
8am to 10am can be used as open gym.I will start wods at 9am and 10am for people who want to participate in class rather than open gym 8am Endurance WodWarm up with a 1/2 mile runThen2×800 with a 3 minute break between intervals4×400 with a 2 minute break between4X200 with a 1 minute break...Read More