Warm Up
800M sandbag run with a partner

Push Jerk
Go heavy!

6 Rounds
9 Shoulder to overhead 135/95
9 burpees over your bar
200M run with a wall ball

Warm up-
500M row
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
-Grab a bar
work empty bar power postition squat clean

Sets of 2
Power position squat clean- work on speed under the bar


20 min AMRAP

  • 400m Run
  • 10 Squat Cleans (135/95)
  • 10 T2B

Sunday Funday

Teams of 2-
Wod 1- 10 minutes
800M with a 45/25 plate
Max wall balls with remaining time- 2 burpees each every time you switch off on the wall balls

Wod 2-
12 Minute Amrap

10 Clean and Jerk 135/95
10 pull ups
*clean and jerks and pull ups can be split however you want

BUT BUT BUT 10 sits ups each at the end of each round

Wod 3-
8 minute Amrap
6 man makers (split how you want)
Run 100m

Cant start your next round of man makers until both partners are in from the run.

8am Endurance 20 minute partner interval row
Partner one rows 45 seconds… 15 seconds to switch, partner 2 goes.
Partner bike 12 minutes max cals… switch on the minute. 2 burpees each on every switch

9am Mobility

10 am Partner chipper one partner works at a time
“99 problems but thruster’s arent one” 35 minutes cap
99 wall balls
99 ring rows (everyone does ring rows, put feet up onĀ  bench to make it more difficult)
99 push press 75/55
99 kettlebell swings
99 burpees
99 slam balls
99 walking lunges with slam ball
99 snatches if you make it this far 75/55

Quick little warm up-
40 bike or rower cals
25 empty bar front squats

Front Squat Friday
Heavy sets of 3
2 sets of warm up
2 more sets of moderate weight
then load up that bar and
3,3,3,3,3. keep increasing wieght

Wod 25 minutes
Buy in 60/50 Bike cals- Go fast! There will be people waiting
Then remaing time Amrap
10 Kettlebell swings 70/55
10 slam balls
8 ring dips
Run 200

1 473 474 475 476 477 528