Remember the gym is closed tomorrow for the WOD WARS competition. Head to Dunedin to watch your gym friends!

Warm up
3 rounds
100m Run
20 Lunges,
10 Burpees,
10 Barbell Shrugs,
10 Strict Press with and empty bar

Strength- take 5 minutes to build up to your 75 percent then
Bench Press 5×5 75%

15 Min Cap
4 Rds
250m Row
15 Wallballs 20/14
10 Strict HSPU
******THEN Max Medball Clusters 20/14 with the remainder of the 15 minutes.. if you have time left.

REMINDER!!! Gym is closed all day Saturday! Head out to Dunedin to watch everyone compete in wod wars.
DONT BE LATE TODAY. we are going to get right into things so we can get to the wod
Warm up-
2 rounds
6 paces of Samson Stretch
400 M slow run
5 pull ups

1 Mile For Time
Max Strict Pull ups (max kipping, max ring rows is the sub)
1 Min Max Burpees (to a 6 inch target)

Take 5 minutes to review points of performance of a snatch
24-18-12-6 Squat Snatch 135/115
*In between Each Set 100m Run

*There is going to be several different ways to scale this for all the different levels of athletes at the gym. including not squatting and simply doubling the reps and doing dumbbell snatches.

Weighted Vest Wednesday- Bring a vest if you have, if you don’t, no problem.. wod was written to do either way

Warm up
3 rounds
200m Run
10 pass through
10 Front Squats with an empty bar
90 seconds each arm of elbow up on racked bar to stretch for front rack

Strength-take 5 minutes to warm up to your first working weight
Front Squat- again pay attention to your percentages and reps they go up and and down
6 Sets
5Reps @ 70%

20 min AMRAP 6 Man Makers 50/35
7 Weighted Box Step ups 24/20

***VESTED if you hae one

Warm up
3 rounds
10 squat jumps
10 push ups
10 sit ups
200m run

Max Vertical Jump (Measured on the wall, stand sideways by the wall jump and reach as high as you can)
1 min max push ups
1 min max sit ups
Shuttle run (we will have stop watches, partner up with someone)
1 Min Max Cal Bike

“Cindy” aka Murph Prep 20 Minutes
5 Pul ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Scale to ring rows or jumping pull ups and/or scale to 15 minutes.

*for a different kind of challenge try strict pull ups

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 Good Mornings
10 Hip Circles
10 Push Ups
10 Barbell Curls

Review deadlift form-
Warm up to slowly to your first working set. LOOK CLOSELY at the percentages and reps today. they go up and down.
Deadlift 6 Sets 5Reps @ 70% 3@75% 5@70% 3@80% 5@75% 3@85%

Wods like this can be a little confusing to count so write 1-10 on the floor twice. Cross off as you go. The dip number goes down and the squat number goes up.

1>10 of
KB Front Rack Lunge 53/35
10>1 of Ring Dips

1 376 377 378 379 380 540