Barbell warm up
2 Rounds
Minute 1 10 clean grip high pulls plus 5 power position power cleans
Minute 2 10 hang position power cleans
Minute 3 10 Lift offs, pause at knee, power clean

Clock starts for 20 minutes to start right after the warm up. You have that time to fine a 1 rep max POWER clean. Last week was Squat clean. Going back to higher reps and positional work starting next week.
That from the ground catching the bar above parallel


16 Minute Amrap
1 Power Clean (try for 90 percent of what you just did)
5 Ring dips
20 KB swings 53/35
400 M Run

Warm up
2 Rounds
10 empty bar back squats
200 m run
When finished go right to your bar and start building up if you are maxing out.

build up to a 1 rep max back squat 25 minutes
*if you don’t feel like maxing out do 5×5 and we will help you pick your percentage weight for the wod

Weight TODAY IS A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR BACK SQUAT, if you are comfortable taking this off the floor. take it off the floor, otherwise you a rack
4 rounds for time of:
20/15 Bike Calories or 20 row cals
7 back squats , 55% 1RM
Dumbbell Farmers Carry, 50/35 lbs, 50 m

We have 2 days of heavy lifting coming up so we will do a little repeat of some bodyweight/cardi hero wods today. Jerry or Laredo.

Run 1 Mile
Row 2000
Run 1 Mile

OR Laredo
6 Rounds For Time
24 Air Squats
24 Push-Ups
24 Walking Lunges
400 meter Run

****Afternoon classes if you want to sub out 80/70 cals on a bike for the Run in Jerry because of the heat please do that… or any other classes if you dont like to run in the heat
****You can also do 1/2 jerry, see how you feel, then do the other half or stop.

There are 9 rowers. If you are in a class of 9 and a person who doesn’t like to wait around to get going ask coach to start you on the clock right away. we can stagger starts if we are short rowers.

Just a wod today! We want you to push yourself on this. Why JUST a Wod today? When we just have a wod that means we want you to push yourself on it. Warm up properly, you should be sweating before you start. Max effort on the workout. Focus, don’t just go through the motions.

Busy classes there will 11-12 crossfit spots inside and the rest outside. No exceptions. When you are done with class you are more than welcome to hang out, just do it outside. We want no crowding whatsoever in the building.

Make sure you are really warmed up before you start.
Warm up
Row or bike for 5 minutes, whatever machine you are going to use during the wod pick that machine.

Then 3 rounds
15 squats
10 push ups

Go through two or 3 rounds of 5-10 reps of the wod
5-10 thruster
5 cals
build up to your dumbbell weight if you need to.
*barbell can be subbed 95/65

Wod courtesy of Training Think Tank
*all our effort, we will be retesting this one
Throwdown 55
Row or bike Cals
DB Thrusters 50/35

Run Version
27 Thrusters
Run 800
21 Thrusters
Run 600
15 thrusters
run 400
9 thrusters
run 200

Extra work- OUTSIDE
4 Rounds
1 Sled push down and back
1 Minute of static hang from the bar (outside rig) yup.. just hand for minute
2 Minutes plank (accumulate it if you cant hold it for 2 minutes straight)

Change of plans if you read this earlier. Solo workout today

10 Minutes Amrap

14 single arm DB snatches
14 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes
10 Minute amrap
10 Single arm Db hang clean and jerk (5 each arm)
12 squats with your DB
run 200M

Rest 3 Minutes

Wod 3
4 Minutes
as FAR as possible single arm DB overhead lunge. Switch arms as needed. walk back and forth between 100m mark.

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