Schedule for the week
Regular schedule Monday Through Thursday
Friday Christmas Eve 5am, 6am, 9am, 10am. Closing at 11
Saturday Christmas Day Closed
Sunday Closed

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 Russian KB Swings
12/10 Calorie Row
10 Wallballs

Front Squat*
*10 & 8 should be two additional light warm up sets that are challenging but not a slow grind.
6-4-2 should AHAP.

6 Rounds
8 KB Swings 70/53lb
8 Goblet Lunges 70/53lbs
8 Calorie Row or bike or ski
You may hold the KB however you want (may not rest it on your thigh as you lunge).

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Reach

Target Score: Sub-10 Minutes for all

Firebreather Score: Faster than EMOM


  • KB Swing: 1 set each round and are all the way overhead (always unless specified as “Russian Swings”).
  • Lunges: 1 set each round. This movement will likely be the linchpin in the workout, athlete should be able to lunge and swing the same weight, so if lunges are the weaker movement, reduce the loading, not the reps.
  • Row: substitute any machine or burpees if rowers are an issue.

Coach Focus: This workout should feel like a 6 Round whirlwind, with the desire to “stomp the gas” being the only reason athletes slow down. Push everyone to try a keep an EMOM pace, knowing that some will surely fall of the pace, but that’s ok.

For Time with a Partner:
2 Rounds
30 Wall Walks (scaled or 60 double db presses if you don’t want to go up side down)
40 Power Cleans 205/140lbs, or ~75% 1RM
Split work anyhow, but it must be kept even. 26 minute cap


  • Wall Walk: Every athlete should have a target to get their hands over and back with. Use the Open standard for scaled wall walks if needed or do bear crawls. For athletes with the ability to travel further, but maybe not all the way to the wall, give them a line so they have a standard to meet on every rep.
  • Power Clean: Looking for a weight an athlete can repeatedly hit, but one that is heavy. Target percentage is roughly 75%. These will likely be steady singles.

With Christmas and New Years day both falling on Saturday this will be the last endurance class of 2021, So sad.
EVERYONE get your butts out here for this
Repeat of a few weeks ago since it was so fun!

8am Teams of 5!
waterfall style workout, we are adding a burpees station though
1 minute Ski
1 Minutes bike
1 Minute row
1 Minute burpees
1 Minute rest

9am solo workout
Crossfit open 18..2 with a time modification

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees

At completion you have 5 minutes to find a 1 rep max clean

Barbell warm up for snatch

Strength – snatch
3 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 85%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 90%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 85%
1 @ 95%+
Drop and reset on sets with multiple reps. Rest 2-4 minutes between sets

Optional Bodybuilding

3-5 Sets for quality

12 DB Bench Press, light, speed focus

20 Weighted Russian Twists, 25lbs or less 12 Cossack Squats, 25lbs or less (6/leg)

3-5 sets of sits ups ranging from 15-20 reps
Spend some time on the ghd machine. NO MORE THAN 30-40 if you have never done the GHD

1:30 Hip Openers
1:00 Squat Hold
3 Rounds
8 DB Goblet Squats
8 Single Arm DB Thrusters (4 per arm)
8 Lateral Burpees over DB

Every 2:30 for 6 Sets
Tempo Back Squat
5-5-3-3-2-1 Perform a 3-count to the bottom. Do not pause in the bottom, stand up right away. Start around 50-60% and add weight each set, building to AHAP. You can do a few sets of 1 to get ahap

AMRAP 10 Minutes
6 Strict HSPU
8 Alternating Pistols

Feel: Muscular Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 7+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: Faster than EMOM

SHSPU: 1-3 Sets. Coaches can slightly reduce reps (1-2 reps) or add can ab-mat or two to reduce the ROM slightly to allow athletes to practice, but if an athlete can not perform 4 reps in 1-3 sets, scale to kipping HSPU, pike HSPU, or push ups.

Pistols: Scale to some form of a one legged squat. Lots of options for the coach to show you

Coaches should think of today’s class as an opportunity to practice higher skill gymnastics on a fixed clock. Scores will vary greatly depending on scaling options, but every athlete in class should have a challenging version of both movements. Do not shy away from challenging options, but be prepared to have multiple scaling options for today’s class. Note that we do not want one movement to be significantly easier than the other, as that will just lend itself to either a HSPU or Pistol workout. We want a pretty good balance of difficulty, and today is a great day to actually let athletes go with the MORE challenging version and move a little slower

Buddy run intervals.
200-400, you go i go.
Max of 6 rounds each for the 400s or 10 rounds each for the 200s

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