TUESDAY 1/17WARM UP2 minutes Banded Glue ActivationEvery 2:00 For 8:0010 Calorie Row, hard but not sprinting10 Air Squats x2 > Jumping Air Squats >Empty Bar Back SquatsPlank Hold in remaining time:10 STRENGTHBack Squat5×5Rest 3-5 minutes between setsSet 1: 85%Sets 2-4: 85-90%Set 5: 85%All % based on 5RM.:45 CONDITIONING10 Minutes Max Calorie RowRead More
MONDAY 1/16WARM UP1:00 Banded Pull Aparts (All 7 ways)2 Rounds8 Burpees7 Strict Press (empty bar)5 Cal Ski:15 SKILLWith a Partner6-Minute AMRAP10/7 Calorie Ski*Clean and Jerk Review**Ring Dip Progressions*:35 WODAMRAP 3 Minutes x 46 Clean and Jerk 165/115lbs12 Ring DipsRest 3:00Pick up where you left off.Feel: Muscle Overload/GasPacing SustainTarget Score: 6 RoundsScaling:Clean and Jerk: Should not...Read More
Wod 1- Teams of 27 Minutes- Split how you want15 Kb swings 20 Burpees Wod-210 Minutes Amraps You go I go10 Db snatches 50/3510 AirsquatsAt 5 minutes switch to10 Alt Single Arm Hang Clean and Jerk 70/5010 Air squats Wod 3- Teams of 2Barbell Ladder:45 Seconds per lift, :15 transition Weights TBDRead More
8am Endurance Little longer time domains today with a longer rest. these are not sprints but you can push the pace since you a get a 2 minutes rest every 4 minutes Teams of 3- 40 min as many cals as possible Partner 1- row 2 minutes Partner 2 bike 2 minutes Partner 3 restswitch...Read More
Friday 1/13Warm Up3 Min Bike (:30 moderate, :30 fast)-Barbell Progressions-Clean High Pull (Power Position)Clean (Power position)Hang CleanClean (from the shin)Strict PressPush PressPush JerkSplit JerkHollow Hold Progressions – holding each step :30 secondsKip SwingsPull UpsC2B Pull Ups** WARM UP WEIGHTS FOR BARBELL MOVEMENTS AND RMU/BMU**:25 WODFor Time with a partner, split anyhow:100 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs100...Read More
Thursday 1/12Warm Up2 Rounds50 Single Unders or 50 Double Unders8 DB Squat Clean Thrusters200m Row: 15 StrengthIn Teams of 3:AMRAP 4 Minutes x 31 Split JerkRest 1:00 between AMRAPsRx: 185/125, 225/155lbs, 245/165lbsIntermediate: 135/95lbs, 165/115lbs,185/125lbsScaled: Weights to be decided by athletes/coachesTeams rotate 1 athlete at a time. The score is total reps completed.:40 WODFor Time25 Double...Read More
Wednesday 1/11Warm UpAMRAP 7 MinutesRow 15/12 Calories5 Shuttle RunsRest :30:15 SkillTeams of 2 – EMOM 10 minYoke carry with partner. One partner works while the other rests. Switching every minute.Yoke carry is 50 feet out and back.n:30 WODAMRAP 3 Minutes x 640/32 Calorie RowMax Shuttle Runs in remaining timeRest 2:001 shuttle = 25′ out and...Read More
Tuesday 1/10Warm UpOn a 7 Minute ClockRun 400m30 Jumping Lunges20 “½ American” KBSMax Freestanding HS Hold in Remaining Time:15 SkillAlternating EMOM 12 MinutesEven minutes 1 Repeatable set of Kipping or Strict HSPUodd minutes 1 Repeatable set of Pike HSPUAthletes who can perform both strict andkipping HSPU may choose based onweaknesses, 3 rep minimum.Athletes who cannot...Read More
Monday 1/9Warm Up2:00 of 4-way Banded GluteActivationThen 3 Steady Rounds12 DB Front Rack Lateral Squats10 Hip Extensions (or glute bridges ifGHDs are unavailable)12 Jump Squats10 Ring Rows:15 StrengthFind a 5RM Back Squat*build up slow, putting 225 on the bar to warm up for a 275 5 rep max is not slow. *you dont have to...Read More
Coaches Choice warm upThe in teams of 2Wod 110 Minutes amrap- you go i go5 pull ups 7 push ups9 SquatsWod 2“Heave and Ho” from the Barbell Beatdown AMRAP 12 MINUTES Ski Cals (One partner always working on the Ski) 50 foot Yoke carry (156lbs all divisions) 6 Sandbags over the yoke (will be set to...Read More