Monday April 22nd

Warm up
3 minutes on a machine into
*if you feel like you need more time to stretch and warm up before 1RM snatch attempt get here a little bit early

Barbell Primer
3 Sets,
2 Hang Muscle Snatches
4 Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
6 Overhead Squats
4 Snatch Balance
2 High Hang Squat Snatch
Start with and empty barbell and increase weight the next two rounds

We will give you some time to get weight on your bar and do a few lifts
Take 20 minutes to Find a 1RM Snatch
The lift today can either be a Power or a Squat Snatch. It is just whatever will yield the maximum load lifted from the ground to overhead. We would like to see athletes make
their way up in loads by performing singles close to on the minute until they are at about
the 80% range and then start to add time between lifts in order to set-up for a max
Remember that the bar does not need to feel fast off the floor to get the lift. What we
need is control past the knees, fast through the hips, and dynamic speed and technical
efficiency under the bar into a firm overhead position

4 Sets, For Max Reps
2:00 minute AMRAP, 1:00 minute Rest
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch
12 Single Dumbbell Step-Overs 24/20”
-Max Calorie Echo Bike in the Remaining Time
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Score = Total Reps (Calories + Dumbbell Reps)

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
The Dumbbell Snatch and the Dumbbell Step-Overs should be done unbroken with a
short transition period between the two movements before hitting the bike hard to finish
off each set. The goal here will be to maintain consistency and if possible hit the final
bike hard to increase the overall bike calories achieved.
In 30 seconds if you hit the bike at 70/60+ RPM you will be able to get 8/6 Calories on
the bike, so use that as a good gauge to try to shoot for