
Teams of 2 Wod 1- 18 Minute… Amrap. Can you get more than one round 100 Walls Balls 80 DB Snatches 50/35 60 Cleans at 135/95 50 Cals on the rower 40 Burpees Wod 2- 10 Minutes Buy In- 800m run Then as many man makers as possible in the remaining time.
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8am Endurance 10000M partner row Or Run a 5k alone 9am Mobility 10am Partner chipper 100 Cals on the rower 50 Bench press (155/105) 80 Cals 40 bench press (185/125) 60 Cals 30 Bench Press (205/135) 40 Cals 20 Bench Press (225/155) *Cash out. 1 mile run
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No strength today.. partner up, score sheets will be at the desk. Reliving the open is fantastic! Warm up with overhead squats with pvc pipe.. at the very least. Coahces will review the movements with you before class!   Workout 18.3 2 rounds for time of: 100 double-unders 20 overhead squats 100 double-unders 12 ring...
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Warm up- 43 Burpees You can do the strength before or after the rowing. big classes split up and half start on one, half start on the other. Strength- Bench Press 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1   Row 250 meters Row 500 meters Row 1,000 meters Row 500 meters Row 250 meters Rest 1 minute between efforts. Scroll for...
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3 Rounds- Run 200m 10 wall balls Grab a bar Coach led thruster review 0-2 MinutesĀ  10 Front squats 2-4 MinutesĀ  10 push press 4-6 MinutesĀ  10 thrusters clock still runs 6-20 minutes.. take 5 or 6 sets with plenty of rest between to find a 2 rep max thruster.   5 rounds for time...
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All strength day! Warm up- 5 minute bike 30 Air squats against the wall with perfect form. hold in the bottom for 2 seconds Find a rack and empty bar. 2 sets of 10 empty bar back squats.. nobody loads weight until everybody gets the mechanics correct. Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 repsScroll for scaling options. Post...
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Warm up- Row 5 minutes, grab a bar. Snatch review EMOM 0-2 Minutes 10 Power position power snatch 2-4 Mintues 10 hang position power snatch 4-6 minutes 5 hang position power snatch + OHS 6-8 minutes 5 from the shin power snatch Running clock.. 13 minutes to find 2 rep max hang snatch… power or...
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Sunday Funday Old school addition Teams of 2 Wod 1- 7 Minutes Run 800m then max cleans for time 155/105 Wod 2- 10 Minutes 7 Kb swings 5 Kb squats Run 200m Switch every round, you can start your swings when you see your partner run around the corner of the building Wod 3 150...
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8 am endurance Running 2×200 rest 60 seconds 4×400 rest 2 minutes 1×800 rest 3 minutes 4×400 Rest 2 mintues 2×200 rest 60 seconds 9am Mobility 10am Partner workout Buy In- Both Partner run 800m together Then- 500m row 80 Db Thrusters 500M row 80 Db snatch 500m Row 80 Db squats 500M row Cash...
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CROSSFIT OPEN DAY 18.2!!!!! We will run two or three heats of this. Come in, partner up, warm up, and go! Workout 18.2 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of: Dumbbell squats Bar-facing burpees Men use 50-lb. dumbbells Women use 35-lb. dumbbells Workout 18.2a 1-rep-max clean Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 and 18.2a Read the...
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