
5 Minutes of Bird Box Rowing.Then Warm up, be on time, class starts on the hour. if you need to mobilize, come in a little earlyGrab an empty bar, time to warm up and review these movements0-2 Minutes 10 clean grip high pulls2-4 Minutes 10 Power position power cleans4-6 Minutes 8 Hang position power cleans6-8...
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Warm up- We will be running through a few of the open workouts over the next few week. 3 Rounds250 M Row10 front squat with an empty bar and 1 second hold at the bottom5 Toes To Bar (practice whatever variation you are going to do during the wod3 Dumbbell Clean Jerk with each arm...
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Partner wodWod 1“Nate” Amrap 20 minutes of: 2 Ring Muscle-ups 4 Handstand Push-ups 8 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 or scale to5 Pull ups10 push ups 15 kb Amrap 15 minutes of: 15 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 15 Power Snatch, 75/55 Amrap 10 minutes of: 50 Double-unders 5 Burpees, bar-facing 5 Deadlifts, 315/205 *Rest 5 minutes between...
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There is a nutrition meeting at 11am. Anyone signed up or who is interested in the Nutrition Challenge should be here 8am Endurance Run club or the WodRun club4X400 with 90 second rest- run these fast2×800 with 3 minutes rest4×400 with 90 second restEndurance wod4 Rounds for time (bring a vest if you have oneRun...
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Warm up-Row 5 MinutesThen get a bench set up and do2 rounds 15 Empty bar bench5 ring dips 10 pull ups or ring rowsTake a few minutes to find your working weight for the strengthStrength 5 roundsMinutes 1 Max Reps Bench press (pick a weight you can do at least 10Minutes 2 Max Reps weighted...
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New athletes meet at the front for a review of the power clean. Experienced athletes start setting up your bars building up to your working weight.3 rounds of warm up10 Air squats200 m run5 pull upsUse this time to buil Hotshots 19 6 rounds for time of: 30 squats 19 power cleans 7 strict pull-ups...
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Warm up-Starts at the top of the hour, if you are late for class, which you shouldn’t be, jump in where there rest of the class is3 Rounds1st minute- 30 second row2nd minute- 25 air squats3rd Minute- 30 second hollow body holdStrength1-1-1-1-1-1+ Front squatExperienced athletes find your maxNew athletes do 6 sets of 5 and...
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Warm up-Starts at 5 after, if you are here early please row, bike, or roll out on a foam roller3 RoundsRun 20010 Strict presses with an empty bar20 wall balls with a partner…doesnt have to be the same partner every time, 20 walking lungesStrength5 sets of 5 strict press. work up to your heaviest 5After...
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Warm up-6 minute bike. Teams of 2. switch every minute… want to race your friends. Go for it.:07 after Start “Bring Sally Up” with Overhead squats with a pvc pipe, perfect ohs… feeling strong.. try it with an empty bar, but have your pvc pipe close byStrength1-1-1-1-1-1+ You are building to a 1 rep max...
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Sunday Funday, Teams of 2!Scale this one appropriately! 2 Rounds for time of: 100 Double-unders 50 Hang Power Cleans, 95/65 100 Double-unders 50 Push Press, 95/65 100 Double-unders 50 Burpees 2 Rounds for time of: 50 Kb Swings 50 Push ups 2 Rounds for time: 80 Calories, Rowing 60 wall balls *Rest 5 minutes between...
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