Partner WodsWod 112 Minutes 10 cleans 155/9510 burpees 200 M farmer carry.. 50/35 pound dumbbells you can switch the dumbbells between partners but you CAN NOT each carry 1Wod 210 Minutes split how you want how many rounds can you get50 Kb swings30 pull ups — wod 3 6 minutes of Man Makers.Read More
You can attempt the open wod anytime between 8-10:45Endurance- We ran long last week so we will be running shorter this week2X400 90 second rest4×800 2 minute rest2×400 90 second rest 9am mobility 10 am Partner chipper- 30 minute capBike 100 Cals2 Sled pushes (down and back is one)100 Kb swings2 sled pushes100 Burpees2 sled...Read More
19.1 Crossfit Open Wod we will do this wod at 5am, 6am, 10am, but its more fun to do it during Friday Night Lights from 4pm to 7:30pmCome out, bring food and drinks!Warm up, find a judge and jump into a heat. Coaches will help you out. The open is for everyone with scaled and...Read More
Be sure to register for the open Everyone is doing it. TOMORROW we will be doing the open wod in the 5am, 6am, 10am classes the starting at 4pm it is “Friday Night Lights.” You can complete the open wod any time bewtween 4 and 7:00. Come in, warm up, and when we are...Read More
Want to fix your overhead squat? Overhead squat therapy will be the first 10 minutes of class today. a bar, quick review of the power position snatch, we will be working for the power position this week, the hang next week, and putting it all together the week after that. Work on sets of 2...Read More
Warm up- partners80/60 cals on the bike, non-biking partner is doing 15 airsquats, switch every 15 squats. Strenght- front squats. you maxed out last week hopefully, now lets start with 5 sets of 7, working weight should be the same throughout the sets, around 70-80 of your max Wod- 3 rounds for time of: 25...Read More
100 Front Squats 135/95100 DeadLifts 225/15550 Front Squats 185/13550 Deadlifts 275/185 Every 2 Minutes Stop and do 20/15 Cals on the bike or rower*Alternate between bike and rowerPICK A PARTNER THAT IS GOING TO DO THE SAME WEIGHT AS YOU. 2 bars per team only. no exceptions. 1 for dead lifts 1 for squats. well…...Read More
8am- Run Clubsee how far you can run in one hour, intermediate runners drop to 45, beginners 30 minutes 9 am Mobility 10am Wod in honor of Lorelai. Our friends at CrossFit Gaspar put this wod together. Recently a family at their gym lost their daughter. Please take a minute to check the gofundme page....Read More
If you want to mobilize be here a little early. Warm up today will be with a barbell. empty at first. This will also flow right into your strength, you are finding a 1rm back squat today. PLEASE USE SPOTTER IF YOU CANT BAIL. ‘ if you are new or not interested in finding your...Read More