2:00 4-way Banded Glute ActivationThenAlt. EMOM 6 Minutes, :50 work :10 rest/transition1 – Machine Calories2 – Single DB Box Step Overs 3 – BurpeesStrengthEvery 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes (4 sets total)3 reps of 1&1/4 Back Squats* *Peform a squat to full depth, stand until hip crease is above the knee, return to bottom, then...Read More
1:30 Lat Smash/sideThen4 Rounds100m Run9 Gymnastic Kips6 S. Arm Devil’s Press 3 S. Arm DB Front Squat (OH squat on rounds 3-4 if mobility allows)Strength 15 minutes emom1 Tempo Snatch DL to Knee + 1 Tempo Snatch DL to Power Position + 1 Power Snatch*without putting the bar down*Tempo is 2 seconds on DL to...Read More
2:00 Hanging Shoulder Opener (1:00 per arm)20 SquatsThenAMRAP 4 Minutes10 Empty Bar Thrusters8 Lateral Burpees 20 Single Unders (Double Unders or attempts after round 1)Strength/skillEMOM 2 Minutes6 Gymnastic Kips on Rings or barEMOM 2 Minutes|3 Turnovers (muscle up w/o dip) EMOM 2 Minutes1-3 Burpee Muscle Ups or burpee pull ups*If unable to turnover on high...Read More
Wod 1-12 Minutes-split the work how you want12 Thrusters 95/659 Hang cleans6 Shoulder to overhead.Run 200 as a team Wod 2- 9 minutesrow 1000 as a teamRemaining time do max reps of Clean and Jerks— 135/95 Wod 3- 9 minutesBike 10 Cals15 BurpeesRead More
8am Teams of 5! waterfall style workout, we are adding a burpees station though1 minute Ski1 Minutes bike 1 Minute row 1 Minute burpees 1 Minutes restTeammate 1 starts on ski.. after one minute moves to the bike, then teammate 2 starts on the ski.. and so on. This is easier to explain in person....Read More
1:00 Lunge and Reach-Then-2 Rounds300m Row8 Hang Power Snatches 8 OHSFor 15 Minutes, practice the following complex:1 Tempo Snatch (Full, 4 second tempo) + 1 Hang Power SnatchThe snatch is performed at normal speed. Start light and add weight if mechanics remain sound.*hang onto the bar between the tempo snatch and the hang power. AMRAP...Read More
3 Rounds:10 bike sprint, :20 SlowThen4 Rounds5 KB Taters5 Burpees over the KB :30 Handstand HoldThis is a lot of volume, scale appropriately Wod5 Rounds20 HSPU15/12 Calorie assault bike or ski or row. OR 12/9 cals on echo bike10 Front Squats 155/105lbs Rest 2:00Feel: Muscular Overload/GasPacing: ReachTarget Score: 20-26 MinutesFirebreather Score: Sub-20 MinutesScaling HSPU: No...Read More
Barbell warm up togetherThenSquat SnatchWarm Up1×3 Power Position2×3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches, lighter than set 1 weight.then,4 reps @ 65%3 @ 70%2 @ 75%4 @ 70%3 @ 75%2 @ 80%4 @ 75%3 @ 80%2 @ 85% Rest 2-4 minutes between sets, drop and reset between repsIf you lift weights the entire class that is ok,...Read More
1:00 Band Pull Aparts20 Scap Pull-ups15 Gymnastic Kip Swings-Then-3 RoundsRow 100m5 Burpees over Rower 7 Wall Balls Strength3-5 sets of 15 Weighted Ab-mat sit ups Athletes should anchor their feet down or have a partner hold their feet in place with knees bent at 90 degrees. Use a light DB (35/25lbs or less) or no...Read More
Bring a friend week is this week! Bring a friend into class with you! 20 Glute Bridges20 Hip Openers-Then-20 Air squats 500m row or ski15 Empty Bar Pause Back squat400m row or ski10 Jump Squats with empty barPause Back Squat6-5-4-3-2-1No tempo, but a full 1 second pause in the bottom is required. Start around 50%...Read More