100 Single Unders15 Ring Rows75 Single Unders15 Empty Bar Good Mornings50 Single Unders10 Hang Muscle Snatches 25 Double UnderNo strength todayWod5 Rounds50 Double unders or 75 singles (you can use this as your doubles JUST FOR TODAY) cant work ahead16/12/10/8/6 Pull Ups (R1=16 pull ups, R2=12, R3=10, R4=8, R5=6)10/8/6/4/2 Hang Power Snatches 135/95lbs Rest 2:00Feel:...Read More
10 Inchworms + Push Up20 Squats with a 2 second hold Then 2 Rounds15 Unbroken Wallballs10 Box Jumps, step down 10 KB SwingsStrength/skillFor Speed:20 ThrustersRest 2:0020 ThrustersRest 2:0020 Thrusters Athlete picks their weight, prioritizing MetCon weights vs. strength work. All reps should be done fast and smooth with minimal grinding at the end of the...Read More
With a partner split how you want 40-30-20 reps for time of:Kettlebell Swing, 70/53Thruster, 95/65ThenAmrap 8 minutes of:10 Bar-facing Burpee6 Ring Muscle-ups (12 pulls, 12 dips sub)3 Rounds for time of:400m Run (if raining one partner row 400, ski 400…. don’t worry about we will figure it out)24 Wallball Shots, 20/14 (split)12 Deadlifts, 245/165 (Split)...Read More
8am enduranceTeams of 2 for cals switching whenever you want.15 Minutes bike15 Minutes row 15 Mintues ski9amSolo 7 Rounds400meter run1 rope climb (then 7 sets of this complex)1 deadlift 135/951 Hang squat clean1 Front squat 1 Push jerkRead More
2:00 Shoulder Swimmers Then Alt. EMOM 9:00 (:50s working :10s Transition)1- PVC Overhead GFYs (GFY = R-Leg Lunge + L-leg lunge + squat)2- Bar Facing Burpees 3- Ring RowsLogistics are tough on this one so plan out WELL BEFORE THE WOD where you walking with a barbell overhead if you are doing that version. There...Read More
AMRAP 5 Minutes12 Light DB Deadlifts9 Light DB Hang Cleans6 Light DB Shoulder to Overhead :10 machine SprintSkill- Don’t skip if you don’t like or have no interest in going upside down. YOU DO NOT have to work on handstand work if you no interest in doing it. we have plenty of alternatives available including...Read More
2:00 Row/Ski/run@ Moderate Pace1:00 Banded Good Mornings1:00 Banded Pull Downs1:00 Single Unders 2:00 Row/Ski/run @ Workout PaceWodRun 5k OR Ski 5k OR Row 5kDo one or two. if you do 2 really focus on pushing the pace of one of them and doing the other at a forever pace. Short wod will posted if you...Read More
Couch Stretch 2:00/ SideThen3 Rounds10/7 Calorie machine15 Russian KB Swings10 KB Goblet SquatsThen, 2:00 4-way Banded Glute ActivationStrength Back Squat5×5 @ 87.5% 5RM from test weekAll sets are at the same weight.Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.The goal for the entire phase is to add roughly 2.5% or 5-10lbs to the bar every week.WodOn a 10...Read More
Sunday Funday teams of 2Wod 1-Classic8 minutes Alternating rounds6 Kb swings4 goblet squats Run to conesDont start working until your partner tags you inWod 2-10 Minutes Amrap split how you want20 wall balls 10 cals on ski or bike Rest 5 minutes BUT start to warm up for your one rep tryWod 3-8 Minutes for...Read More