Endurance Teams of 45 rounds each2 minutes per station SKibikerowrest Rest 3 Minutes as a team after the last person finishes Then 4 round each 30 seconds per stationSkiBike RowNO REST. when person finished the row they immediately go to the ski. 9amWarm up AMRAP 10 Minutes w/partner (All Movements performed at together)100m Run10 Spiderman...Read More
All regular class times today. The weightlifting portion of the workout for the 4,5,6pm classes will be done in the weightlifting area as Train Harder Barbell is hosting their own family friendly version of Friday Night Lights. Do the wod, do your lift then hang around for food and movie. Movie starts at 7pmWarm up....Read More
1:00 on a Machine2:00 Banded Glute activation-Then-3 Steady Rounds25’ Duck Walk3 Explosive Broad Jumps10-8-6 Squat Jumps/Back Squats/Heavier Back Squats (stay light, but add weight in all 3 rounds of the warm up) *start with empty bar for jump squats round 11 Wall Walk6 Rounds8 Wall Walks5 Back Squats @ 70%+Rest 3:00 Bar taken from a...Read More
2 Minutes Banded Glute Activation Steps + 5 Squats every 10 Steps-Then-Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes8/6 Calorie Assault Air Bike8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Steady Cossack Squats in remaining time StrengthSumo Deadlift 4-4-3-3-2-2-2 AHAP*May sub out traditional deadlift*keep in mind a true “as heavy as possible” deadlift session could take upwards of an...Read More
On a 6 Minute Clock500m Ski/Row30 Jumping Lunges20 Scap Pull Ups Max Freestanding or Supported HS Hold in Remaining TimeStrengthEvery :90 for 9 Minutes 2 Split Jerk w/ 3-sec. Pause in the Catch In Teams of 2, splitting work evenly AMRAP 4 Minutes x 22 Legless Rope Climb30/24 Calorie SkiMax Rep Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs...Read More
Alternate movements with partner switching when rowing partner is finished:4 Rounds (2 each)250m Row*20 Banded Good Mornings/20 Russian Kettlebell Swings/20 Hollow Rocks *(Round 1/Round 2/Round 3)WodAmrap 36 Minutes- switching with a partnerAlternating 500m row or skiSimple and effective. How many rounds of 500 can you do in 36 minutes. You can count roll over meters...Read More
Sunday Funday- teams of 2 Wod 110 Minute Amrap20 Wall balls20 Single arm DB snatches Wod 210 Minutes Amrap60 Doubles or singles10 Bar Muscle upsOr10 minutes120 Singles16 Pull upsOr mix and match Wod 38 Minutes20 single arm db hang clean and jerk (complete 5 on one arm before switching20 toes to barRead More
Endurance- Time to start running again. Teams of 2- row, bike and skiDoesn’t matter which machine you start on10 minutes on each machine- score is total meters including runs One partner is on the machine One partner is running a 200. switch when they get back, *there are 1600m in a mile when you want...Read More
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS! Regular classes at 5am, 6am, 9am and 10amThen come out for the last friday night light of the open season. Bring food and drinks if you want. Wod can be found at games.crossfit.comRead More