Sunday September 4th

Warm up
3 Rounds
200 M run
30 single unders
10 no push up burpees

to follow a pattern of the past few Sunday we will start with a mostly body weight workout, then go into some lifting, then end with a good cardio piece

Partner workouts
Wod 1-
AMRAP 7 minutes
Alternating rounds with a partner
5 wall balls
5 burpees

5 minutes break/barbell warm up
12 Minutes Amrap with a partner splitting the work as needed
Ladder, increasing reps by 2 on every movement
Round 1
2 cleans 155/105
2 pull ups
2 KB swings 70/53
next round 4,4,4 next round 6,6,6, next round 8,8,8
At 6 minutes Increase barbell weight to 185/135
*remember you splitting the work however you want
if you arent on the rx weights be sure to start at a moderate weight so you can add a little weight at 6 mintues

Wod 3
6 Minutes
Partner 1- run- distance is out front door to gate which is about 150 meters
partner 2- bike for cals.
Switch when person gets back from run