20 Band Pull Aparts (perform 10 palms down, 10 palms up)-Then-3 Rounds4 Tempo Ring Rows4 Squat Box Jumps* 24/20″*Perform an air squat, jump onto a box 6/4 Calorie Air Bike Sprint Strength Every 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes (3 sets) 1 Max Rep Set of Push PressesRound 1: 75% 1RMRound 2: 70%Round 3: 65%Adjust weights...Read More
2:00 Banded Overhead Contract/Relax-Then-10 Burpees8 Hang Muscle Snatch 10 Burpees8 Power Position Power Snatch 10 Burpees8 Hang Power Snatch For 15 Minutes, Practice the following complex with perfect mechanics: 1 Power Position Power Snatch*1 Hang Power Snatch, Above Knee 1 Hang Power Snatch, at knee *After 3 sets, athletes may eliminate the Power Position portion of the...Read More
Straight Through Run 400m10 Inch Worms20 Plank transitions 10 Pause Ring Rows Run 400m Gymnastics TestAMRAP 3 MinutesMax Rep Strict Pull UpsREST 4AMRAP 3 Max Push ups Gymnastics test will not be re-tested until the END of the next 6 weeks so this is one of those days where if athletes CAN do strict pull ups...Read More
3 rounds10 Empty Bar Thrusters 10 Bar Facing Burpees Then,3 times through starting with an empy bar and adding weight each round1×3 Power Position Squat Clean, Jerk last rep 1×3 Hang Squat Clean + Jerk last rep1×3 Tempo pull squat clean + jerk last repNew Cycle is here. Squat clean and split jerk is the...Read More
Wod Wars Past Event 1- this is a warm up for murph prep. If you have been missing murph prep scale the second part of this way way way back Event 1: Teams of 3For Time: 10 Min Cap400M Med Ball Run (Team) 1 Athlete works at a time:60 Single Arm Alternating DB Hang Snatch60...Read More
Today is your lucky day, Friday the 13th and the Aprils Drool Day Retest3:00 Machine of Choice-Then- AMRAP 3:0020 Lateral Line Hops 10 Walking Lunges5 Box Jump OversRetest April Drools Day last done April 8thRx5 Rounds21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower (or a bar if you are using ski erg or running) 21 Box Jump Overs...Read More
AMRAP 7 Minutes 12/9 Calorie Air Bike10 Empty Bar Hang Clean and Jerk:30 Plank HoldEvery Minute for 15 Minutes1 Tempo Pull Power Clean + Split Jerk*guess what? our next focus lift is squat clean and jerk! AMRAP 8 Minutes 8/6 Calorie Air Bike 8 SDLHP 75/55lbs*we can run heats of this if there aren’t enough...Read More
Weight Vest Wednesday!!! 20 Band Pull Aparts (perform 10 palms down, 10 palms up)-Then-Alt. EMOM 9 MinutesA. 6 Tempo Push Ups*B. 8 Seated Box Jumps for explosivenessC. 10 Calorie Air Bike*Tempo to the ground, fast on the way upStrength- This is going to burnEvery 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes1 Max Set of Strict Press @45%...Read More
20 Shoulder Swimmers-Then-4 Rounds10 Burpees25’ Duck Walk w/PVC held OH 10 Kip SwingsGymnastics Retest- as many feet or as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of Handstand walk (goal was 300 feet the first time)or HSPUor wall walksor Db pressesWhatever you did 6 weeks agoAll walks performed in 25′ sections.For Rx and Intermediate levels,...Read More