Warm up8 scap pull ups8 knee raises8 scap push ups8 deadlifts with light weightEOMOM 8 minutes Read scaling carefully-2 attempts max handstand walk (one if you make it the entire distance of the gym and turn around)scaling options2 attempts max handstand hold on wall (not to exceed 1:15 total, you want 45 seconds rest)2 attempt...
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200m run10 Front Squats200m run10 Hang Power Cleans + Front Squat200m run10 Hang Squat Cleans200m run10 From the shinFun little strength piece, score is reps. RX is if you used listed weights From 0:00 – 2:00Max Reps Hang Squat Cleans 135/95lbsRest From 2:00 – 4:00From 4:00 – 6:30Max Reps Hang Squat Cleans 155/105lbsRest 6:30 –...
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Sunday FundayWod 112 Minute amrap split how you want20 cals on rower or bike20 Wall ballsWod 210 Minutes (you go i go) go quick, your partners fitness depends on it.10 sit ups10 airsquatsrun 200mWod 3- 8 minutes split how you want20 db snatches20 single arm db push press or push jerk
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8am classRun 5k- Warm up slow, slow slow slow around a mile of warm up. get some sprint intervals run (spring 20 seconds, run slow for a minute, sprint 20 seconds. Other option is to a row or ski a fast 5k. 9am and 10am*do 1 workout or do all 3, do them as partner...
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Crossfit Games workout 21.3. The last one. go to games.crossfit.com to watch the announcement liveRegular morning classes then at 4pm starts Friday night lightsLet’s try to get everyone here. The more energy the better! Show up and throw down with your friends.
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6 Rounds5 Ground to Overhead with a Plate 45/35lbs15 Plate HopsThenClean and push jerk warm upStrength EMOM 8 Minutes2 Power Clean and Push Jerk @ 75-85%Drop and reset between reps.Wod *this is a primer wod for the open workout. hit it with some intensity4 Rounds6 HSPU4 Power Cleans 135/95lbs5 burpees over bar4 Power Cleans 135/95lbs...
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Read this, don’t skim. Calories today are based on the person. Everyone gets a test run of 2 minutes then we will choose calories for you. Experienced athletes pick a number roughly 5-10 cals higher than what you just rowed (round up.) New athletes pick a slightly lower number. If you sandbag the test run...
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Warm upEvery 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes:20 Bike or row (Aggressive pace, but not a sprint)16 Step Ups12 Jump SquatsTake time to build to your 70-80 percent that you are going to use for the back squat weightStrengthBack Squat5-5-5-5-5Immediately after each set of squats, perform a :10 “rolling sprint” on the bike or rower. Rest...
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200m run20 Band Pull Aparts15 Scap Pull Ups10 Strict Pull Ups200 m run20 Air SquatsThen 3×10 OHS, starting with empty bar and progressing to workout weightSkill/strengthEMOM 9 Minutes *bar muscle up or pull up practice*no pull ups, no problem, come in and we work on itMin 1-3:3 BMU Kips, performed as singlesMin 4-6:2 BMU Kip...
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Bring the sunscreen, this can all be done outside if you want. Wod 1 is all outside anyway Wod 1- 8 minutes7 Kb SwingsRun to the cones, switch when your partner gets backRest 5-Wod 210 Minutes Amrap (alternating rounds)7 cal row5 dumbell push press3 Burpees (bring foam mats outside if you don’t want to do...
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