Barbell warm up9 Minutes Minute 0-3 = 4 snatch grip high pulls + 3 Power position power snatchMinute 3-6 = 3 hang position power snatch + 3 overhead squat Minute 6-9 = 4 full snatch (squatting) with empty bar, from the shin *on minutes with 2 movements finish all reps of the first movement, then...Read More
Warm up300m Run30 lunges 200m Run30 Mountain Climbers100m Run:60 Second squat hold while holding a plate out in front of youThen 15 DB Power Cleans @ Workout weightStrength 4 sets of 4 front squats at around 80 percent. Between sets 16 lunges (8 each leg) with your dbs that you are using for the workout...Read More
Sunday Funday- teams of 2Wod 110 Minute Amrap20 Wall balls 20 Single arm DB snatches Wod 210 Minutes Amrap60 Doubles or singles 10 Bar Muscle ups Or 10 minutes 120 Singles 16 Pull ups Or mix and matchWod 38 Minutes 20 single arm db hang clean and jerk (complete 5 on one arm before switching20...Read More
Endurance Teams of 2Finish is any order 2 Miles of running- Split how ever you want MINIMUM interval is 400M3000 Meter of rowing 3000 Meter of Skiing 9am – warm upGoing solo today 30 A-frame Toe Touches30/20 Calorie C2 Machine20 Russian KB Swings30/20 Calorie C2 Machine 10 Barbell RDLs (moderate-to-heavy weight)Every 3 minutes for 24...Read More
2 Rounds200m Run20 Lunge Steps:30 WallsitThen,2:00 of Glute Activation w/ 5 Air Squats every :30 including to start and end 20 Band Pull ApartsWod 1AMRAP 13 Minutes300m Run 12 Push Presses 135/95lbsCONDITIONINGFeel: GasPacing: SustainTarget Score: 3-5 RoundsFirebreather Score: 6 Rounds Wod 2- teams of 3Amrap 12 Minutes 10 Sandbag or odd object squats 150/100*one partner...Read More
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes10 Goblet Lunges10 Box Jumps (Step Down)8 Scap Pull Ups 8 Ring Rows ***Score is total reps AMRAP 18 Minutes4 DB Snatch 70/50lbs8 DB Box Step Up 70/50lb, 24/20” box12 Chest to Bar Pull UpsThen,Rest from 18:00 – 23:00then at the 23:00 mark:AMRAP 3 Minutes DB Facing Burpees*jump over it...Read More
Games Day!Warm Up1:00 per side, Wrist Stretch1:00 Deadhang from Pull Up Bar600m run (broken into 200m) 10 Thrusters 3 wall walks Warm up to your thruster weight and find your wall walk spot Event 4 of the 2021 CrossFit Games10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Wall WalksThrusters 185/135Time cap 20 minutes Scale to 95/65 if you want a shot at finishing...Read More
2:00 Banded Glute Activation20 Empty Bar Thrusters20 A-Frame Toe Touches300m Run20 Empty Bar Thrusters 20 A frame toe touches Then, 2:00 banded front rack mobilization per sideClick here for banded front rack mobilization videoSquat Clean1×3 Power Position*2×2 Hang, at knee**then,5 reps @ 55%4 @ 60%3 @ 65%5 @ 60%4 @ 65%3 @ 70%5 @ 65%4...Read More
Run 400m Then,Every :90 for 4:3010 Burpees to 6” Target8 Cossack SquatsIn the remaining time hold the bottom of an OHS with an empty barStrengthtAll snatches in this sections are squat. If you can not snatch because of injury or mobility issues you can clean and jerkEvery :30 for 4 Minutes 1 Power Postion SnatchThen,Every...Read More
Wod 1-12 Minutes-split the work how you want12 Thrusters 95/659 Hang cleans6 Shoulder to overhead.Run 200 as a teamWod 2- 9 minutesRow 1000 as a teamRemaining time do Clean and Jerks— 135/95Wod 3- 9 minutes Split the work how you wantBike 10 Cals10 BurpeesRead More