AMRAP 5:00
2 Inch Worms + 2 Push Ups
6 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Single DB Hang Clean and Jerks
Strength skill is handstand work
If you are not there yet, or do not want to go upside-down that is fine. we will do press work overhead
HS Walk Skill Warm Up
:30 HS Hold
:20 HS Hold + Weight Shift
:20 HS Hold + Shoulder taps
EMOM 3 Minutes, pick 1:
5-25′ HS Walk or :30 practice
:30 HS Walks into wall
1-2 wall walks or
50′ Bear Crawl
AMRAP 5 Minutes x 4
6 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/16″
12 S-arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk 70/50lbs
6 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/16″
25′ HS Walk Rest
3:00 between AMRAPs.
Continue where you left off each AMRAP.
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 8+ Rounds (2 rounds per AMRAP)
Firebreather Score: 12+ Rounds (3 rounds per AMRAP)
- LBBJO: Should not exceed :30 in either set. Scale box height before reps. If box height is an issue, perform lateral burpees over the DB
- DB: Heavier DB will provide a challenging, but athletes should have a switching-hands strategy that allows them to do their 12 reps without putting the DB down for most of the workout.
- HS Walk: If athletes can walk consistently 10’ on their hands, allow them to HS Walk. Reduce distance do not exceed :30 of work, or modify to 2 wall walks per 25’.
Coach Focus: The combination of fast burpees (lateral burpees are faster than box facing burpees), the heavier DB and the HS walk is going to challenge athletes ability to keep their HR in control, which is precisely the stimulus we are after with today’s workout.