Wear your Train Harder gear. Going to try and get a lot of pictures tomorrow. Teams of 2200 Wall Balls 150 sit ups100 Cals on a machine50 push press 155/11525 Man Makers 50/35Looks so easy. Sundays are busy. Lets get a few teams outside please.Read More
EnduranceTest 5k run. solo. you are on your own this week. no partners, your friends just became your biggest competition9am and 10amChipper wod time capped80 Cals70 wall balls60 lunges50 ALT db snatches 40 doubles 30 DB push press (15 each arm)20 burpees10 single db devil PressRead More
Warm up3 Rounds5 pull ups10 push ups15 squatsStrength5×5 bench press… what??? Yes we are benching todayOr get one more session of 5×5 squats in at or around 90 percent… MONDAY IS THE LAST DAY OF THE CYCLE. YOUR FINAL 1 set of 5 maxWodAMRAP 10 Minutes 4 Bar Facing Burpees2 Power Cleans 185/125lbs 2 Muscle...Read More
Warm up2 Rounds7 of each movement in the strength sectionAND 7 strict press to get those shoulders ready for the HSPU or variation. We will give you time to get some weight on your bar for the first movement of the strength. EMOM 12 – adding weight each movement, this is not for a 1...Read More
2 rounds 10 Good morning with an empty bar6 box step ups with your bar (or not bar)6 empty bar deadlifts 50 singles ..yup.. single unders StrenghtEOMOM 10 minutes 4 REPS (adding one) should be the same weight or take a step back this week and clean up your technique Wod 21-15-9 **You can always...Read More
Back squat warm upFind a new 5 rep max back squat. Just a few sessions of this left. Can you keep going up. If you get stuck stay at your same number and try again. If your squats are getting worse technique wise this session is a good time to focus on that. Don’t give...Read More
Warm up 200M run5 Push press5 push jerk5 Hang snatches 5 Overhead squatsStrength Build up to a heavy push press, around 80 percent of your max. If you don’t know your max build up to max so we can use the number in the future 8 sets 1 heavy push pressWod AMRAP 16 Minutes 8...Read More
Wod 1- 8 Minutes Amrap- 1 Partner Working at a time30 Air Squats20 BurpeesWod 2- 10 Minute Amrap20 power cleans 135/9520 lunges with slam ball overheadWod 315 Minutes Amrap20 Cal Row20 thrusters 95/65 or 50/35 with double dbs200 M Farmer Carry (both walk on the farmer carry, one partner holds both dumbbells but you can...Read More
Scary workouts today8am endurance, give the running volume a little break todayTeams of 2 Complete in order (choose wisely) the following. Split however you want. Only one partner works at a time. one movement must be complete before moving to the next6x800M of running4000M row100 Cal bike or ski80 Burpees 9am and 10am3 rounds for...Read More
Back squat warm up5 sets of 5 at 90 percent of Mondays WeightWe will be getting into weights now where you might not get 5 by 5 at 90, build up to your weight and make an attempt. If it ends up being one or 2 reps, drop back and hit 5 by 5 at...Read More