Don’t be a loser. Get your Flag Shirt! Order sheet is on the desk. Only one more day to order. “Tabata Tuesday” Warm Up 20 on/10 off Plank Hold Sit Ups Air Squats Burpees Burpees Air Squats Sit Ups Planks Hold Workout of the day 40 seconds on 20 off for 4 roundsSo for the...Read More
Don’t forget to order your stars and stripes shirts! Order form is on the desk. If your order isn’t on the sheet you are not guaranteed a shirt. Dumbbell Warm Up-All with a light DB 3 rounds7 Strict Press 77 Dumbbell Squats 7 PVC Pass Throughs 7 Single arm overhead dumbbell squatsStrength Overhead squats- If...Read More
Happy Fathers Day!This is a little variation on the Hero Wod “Lumberjack 20” ** For the run, each partner will run 200 meters once per round while the other is resting. **35 minute time cap 40 Deadlifts (275/190lbs) Run 400m 40 KB swings (70/55pood) Run 400m 40 Overhead Squats (115/75lbs) Run 400m 40 Burpees Run...Read More
8am endurance. Mile time trial, done right. We will warm up with an 800m slow slow job, then 3 rounds of 200mduring the 200’s sprint 5 seconds, jog 10 seconds, sprint 5 seconds, jog 10 seconds, Then a 400m slow jog9am Mobility10am PARTNERS 800 M Run With a Plate 45/25 100 T2B 50 Front Squats...Read More
Warm Up15 Min EMOM Minute 1 10/8 Cal Bike 30 secs Kip Swings 12 Sit Ups 8 Push Ups 30 Sec HS Hold/Pike Hold Rest 5 Minutes800m Run Time trial or 500M row time trialRest 5 Minutes 12 Min AMRAP 8 HSPU or pike push ups or heavy push press with Dumbbells 6 T2B 4...Read More
2 Rounds 200M Run 8 Jump Squats 20 push ups 12 Hip Circles Each Leg/Way ST: Bench 5X5 80% Wod 0 to 4:00- minutes Max calls on the bike4:00 to 7:00 Max reps Power clean7 to 10:00 rest10:00 to 13:00- Max bike cals 13:00 to 16:00 Max Reps Hang squat clean (115/85) 16:00 TO 19:00...Read More
Warm up“Teamed Up Tuesday” 3 Rounds 200m Partner Run w/Wallball 12 Partner Wallballs 6 Synchro Burpees 6 Pull UpsGet your bars ready and get a few clean and jerks.Teams of 3! DO NOT PANIC, this is not a crisis situation. If you are on a team and you each have to scale a little different,...Read More
Warm upSamson Stretch down and backInch worms down and backBurpee Broad Jumps Down and back20 Cal BikeStrengthPush Press 5-5-3-3-3-2-1 75%-80%-85%-90 %18-12-10 Ring Dip Pistols (18 each leg, 12 each leg, 10 each leg)sit ups 200m Run TO START AND Between Each Set AND At The EndRead More
Sunday Funday Partner ChipperCan you finish in the 35 Minute time cap?100 wall balls (30/20)100 Burpees100 Cal Row100 Slam Balls over the shoulder (as heavy as possible)100 Weighted walking lunge steps with two dumbbells 100 DB snatches100 Goblet squats with KBRead More