Sunday Funday The girls! running clock. get after it Grace, Helen, Karen Split the work however you want, start the entire workout with an 800m partner run straight intoGrace 30 Clean and Jerks for time -then-3 Rounds for time Double reps Helen 400 meter Run (Run together) 42 Kettlebell Swings per round 24 Pull-Ups per...Read More
8am endurance-Option 1-all running, Run 5k Option 2- Train Harder Triathlon 1500M row 1 Mile Run 1 Bike Tabata 1000m Row 800m Run 1 Bike Tabata 500M row 400m Run 1 Bike tabata *********** Write your bike cals down after every round! You get to take a second off your time for every cal you...Read More
Warm up Run 800m then meet as a class- We all want you to go all out on this “Fight Gone Bad” wodTo warm up we will be reviewing the movements except the row12 Minute emom1- 7 wall balls2- 7 empty bar sumo high pulls3- 7 Empty bar push press4- 4 box jumpsYou will now...Read More
Warm up-3 Rounds10 Plate Ground to Overhead (demo video below)10 Pass Throughs with pvc10 Overhead Squat with PVCSkill/Strength Hang power or squat snatch, Take 5 minutes to warm up and work on this movement before we do the Emom, coaches will help you on form. 8 minute Emom- Heavy version-3 Moderately Hang squat snatches Lighter/form...Read More
Emom Warm 12 Minutes Minute 1- 10/8 cal rowMinute 2- 15/12 push upsMinute 3- 10 Empty Bar Push JerkMinute 4- 10/8 toes to barStrength 10 Minute Push Jerk EMOMStart at 10 on the first minute at a lighter weight, then go to 9 the next minute, 8 the next, and on and on**Add weight every...Read More
Warm up2 Rounds-250m row10 double KB clean and jerk (this is your practice for the wod do not miss it. As a group, barbell warm up emomMinute 1- 10 clean grip high pulls2- 10 Power position power cleans3- 10 hang power cleans4-10 Power clean from the follor WITH jerk5- 10 full squat clean and jerks...Read More
Warm up-1000M partner row split into 250 segments, non rowing partner hold the bottom of squat. no hands on knees 5 burpees each every switchStrengthBench- 5 sets of 5 working up to a very heavy 5After Bench you will have ten minutes to build up to a heavy squat, build up to or little bit...Read More
Grab a bar when you get to the gym. Spend the first 15 minutes of class working up to heavy a clean.. Find a partner that cleaned about the same weight as you for the wod. With a Partner 2K Row Directly into 10 Rounds 2 Power Cleans(225/155) 4 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Alternating Pistols...Read More
Good luck to our State Weightlifters today! 8am Endurance 4 rounds500m RowRest 3 Minutes 400 Meter RunImmediately after 400 m run hop on bike for 15 cal sprintsRest 3 minutes. 9am mobility 10am Going solo today! Filthy 50 Filthy Fifty 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB Swings 53/35 50 Walking Lunges 50...Read More
Warm Up12 Min Emom 1- 8 Leg Raises (group or hanging) 2- 10 Death March Steps 3- 8 Kip Swings 4-40 seconds of alternating bird dogs, a few second hold on each one 5- 5 Empty Bar RDL 6- 10 Sit Ups WOD *yes we are deadlifting twice this week because it’s good for you!...Read More