Coaches choice warm up

Then in teams of 2

Wod 1- alternating rounds for 10 minutes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
**if that takes a person more than a minute scale the numbers back so it takes closer to 45 seconds

Wod 2 – split how you want
Amrap 30 minutes
4 rope climbs (scale to 12 pulls from that ground or scale to 1 rope climb each)
24 Cal machine
12 Burpees
24 cal machine
4 Squat clean 225/155 (HEAVY!)
24 Cal machine

8am endurance- team of 2
35 Minute Amrap for Meters
Partner 1- starts on a ski or row
Partner 2- Carries a sandbag (bear hug only) 25 feet then does
5 sand bag cleans
6 Burpee box facing step over (NO JUMPING TODAY!!!!)
5 sand bag cleans
carry sandbag back to machine and switch spots

Coaches choice warm up

Teams of 2
*Split all work as needed
35 minute cap- if the clock hits 35 finish whatever movement you are on.

50 Calorie machine
100 Alternating Dumbbell snatches 50/35
50 cal machine
100 DB goblet squat
50 cal machine
100 push ups
50 cal machine
100 single arm db hang clean and jerk

Friday 2/10

200 M Run
5 Inch Worms
15 Box Step ups
12 Empty Bar RDLs
12 Single Leg Box Step Downs
10 Deadlifts
10 Box Jump Overs


10 Scap Pull Ups


2×8 Gymnastic Kips


2×6 Gymnastic Kips to Target with Partner


3×4 Toes to Bar

:20 WOD

6 Rounds

4 Deadlifts 275/185lbs

8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″*

8 Toes to Bar

8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

8 Toes to Bar

8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

4 Deadlifts 275/185lbs

Rest 2:00 between rounds

Target Score: 2:15-3:30 per round (24-31 minutes total)

Time Cap: 35 Minutes BUT athletes should scale appropriately to allow completion within target score.


– Deadlift: Should allow for 4 unbroken reps on either side of the round. The weight

should not exceed 70% of the athlete’s 1RM, but should not be too light.

– BJO: Scale box height to keep athletes jumping. If jumping isn’t possible, sub with

weighted step ups or a 100m row/200m bike.

– Toes to Bar: Should allow for 1-2 sets the entire workout. Sub with Kipping Knee Raises,

V-Ups or Abmat Sit Ups.


Straight Through
2:00 Air Bike
20 Leg Swings (each leg)
25ft Inchworm
5 Shuttle Runs
1:30 Air Bike
20 Leg Swings (each leg)
25ft Spiderman Lunge
5 Shuttle Runs
:30 Air Bike
5 Shuttle Runs
*1 Shuttle Run is 25 ft

:15 WOD
AMRAP 1 Minute x 7
250m Bike
Max Shuttle Runs in remaining time

Rest 4:00

* Today’s Shuttle Run 1 Rep = 25′ (so out/back = 2 reps)

Today’s Cardio Party is 1:00 on, 4:00 off for 7 cycles. Fitness doesn’t
need to be sexy to be effective. With 4 minutes off you need GO! Athletes need to really push the pace on both the bike and shuttle runs to
get the stimulus we are after today, so encourage them to push hard from the start
without ruining the entire workout early on.

Target Score: 10+ lengths (5 or more down and backs)


Bike – (roughly :20-:30 of biking)

EXTRA! Time to Flex =)

Mechanical Drop Set

5 sets:

5 Dumbbell Strict Press
8 Dumbbell Push Press
Max set Dumbbell Push Jerk

-rest 2 minutes between sets-

-The same weight should be used throughout.

-Loading should allow the athlete to work the current movement until fatigue begins to affect form, at which point the athlete immediately goes into the next movement.


2:00 Bike

2 Rounds
10 Dead Bugs
8 Glute Bridges (hold 3seconds at the top)
10 Bird Dogs
8 Split Squats each leg – may use light weight DB (Rear foot elevated on bench to get greater ROM. Can sub with a lunge if stability is an issue)
8 Empty Bar Back Squat


Back Squat 5×5

Rest 3-5 minutes between sets

Set 1: 92.5%

Sets 2-4: 92.5-97.5%

Set 5: 92.5%

All % based on 5RM.


Prone Banded Hamstring Curl 3 sets: 15 reps

Standing Barbell Calf Raise 3 sets: 15-20 reps
-Elevate feet so that you can pass below parallel to the floor with the heels. Drive through the big toe at extension.

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