Go to games.crossfit.com to see tomorrows workout!

AMRAP 7 minutes
8/6 Calorie Bike
5 Strict Pull Ups or 10 Ring Rows
10 Box Step Overs
5 Bench Dips

*RMU Drills


MU OR Strongest Gymnastics Pull

RX Capacity
For Time with a partner, split anyhow:

60 Muscle Ups

RX Capacity: for athletes who can complete the 30 MU for time benchmark in 4-8

Intermediate Capacity

For Time in a team of 3, split anyhow:

45 Muscle Ups

Int. Capacity: for athletes who can consistently perform small sets (1-3 reps) of
muscle ups.

Skill Development

For Time with a partner, split anyhow:
50 Low Ring Muscle Up Transitions OR Box RMU

:35 WOD

AMRAP 7 Minutes
Double DB Burpee Box Step Overs

Men: 50lb DBs to 24″
Women: 35lb DBs to 20″
Target Score: 35+ reps
Firebreather Score: 50+ reps


– Step Overs: Reduce DB Loading and Box Height to reach target score.

Last chance to attempt or redo the open workout is at 5am, 6am 9am or 10am but line your own judges up.
-Know the workout standards before you start.
-no open wods during open gym.
-use your phone to time yourself. gym clock is for the class


3:00 Machine, Increasing intensity each minute


40 Single Leg Glute bridges (20/leg)

20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

10 Jump Squats

20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

40 Air Squats


Coach will set a clock 20 minutes. You have that much time to complete warm up and working sets

5×5 front squat
Start your first working set at about 70 percent then go up

Front squat points of performance
Hips descend back and down.
Lumbar curve maintained. 
Knees in line with toes.
Hips descend lower than knees.
Heels down.
Complete at full hip and knee extension.
Bar in front rack position

8 Minute Amrap ***DO NOT THROW YOUR DUMBBELLS*** its wrecking the rubber flooring and the dumbbells. Thank you!

10 Alternating Db Snatches 70/50
40 Doubles
15 alt db snatches
40 doubles
20 alt db snatches
40 doubles
and on and on increasing the snatches by 5 every round, doubles stay at 40


Post Squat Cool down:

1) 5-10 minutes Forever pace on machine

– Couch Stretch, 2:00/side

– Pigeon Pose, 2:00/side

Coaches choice warm up

All partner workouts
Wod 1
10 Minute Amrap
20 cals on a machine
20 Shoulder to OH 135/95
50 Doubles or singels

Wod 2
10 Minutes
6 Cleans (alternating and heavy, you go i go at about 90 percent of 1 rep max)
20 Burpees over your bar

Wod 3 for time
Run 400 together
50 synchronized air knee raises
Run 400 together
50 synchronized air squats
Run 400 together
50 synchronized db snatches

8am- In teams of 3
35 Minute Amrap
50 bike cals- 1 Partner working at a time, 2 resting, that means push the pace
50 Sandbag cleans – (partner one does 1 rep, partner 2 does on rep, partner 3 does one rep and on and on)
50 ski cals
50 sand bag cleans
50 row cals
50 sandbag cleans

Warm up- Coaches choice

AMRAP 22 Minutes with a partner:
P1: 20 Wallballs 20/14lbs
P2: 4 Wall Walks
P2: 20 Wallballs 20/14lbs
P1: 4 Wall Walks
P1: Run 200m P2: Run 200m
Shuttle Run alternative: 8 Shuttle Runs = 200m

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