Barbell Club Tonight starting at 6:00
6:00 to 6:30 beginners
6:30 to 8 advanced
Want more help with your lifts? Ask Jordon about private lessons and his new and improved barbell club schedule.

Warm Up-

Strength- This will take about 20 minutes PLEASE REVIEW THE VIDEO AND KNOW EACH MOVEMENT
Find your 1 Rep Max of the MisFit Clean Complex.
Beginner athletes- we will simplify this to just the clean and jerk

Power clean—- Push Jerk—– Front Squat—–Hang SQUAT Clean—- Split Jerk


(Leave the front of the room as clear as you can for handstand walkers)
15 Minute Amrap
10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 toes to bar (sub 20 sit ups)
15 Foot Hand Stand Walk (sub 10 hand stand push ups, or 10 dumbbell push presses)

Warm Up-
Teams of 2-
8 minutes of bike, switch every 30 seconds- slowly build intensity

Grab a bar and do at least 20 empty bar snatches and 20 overhead squats

10 Minutes EMOM
2 snatches from the hang position (knees)
Try to drop into your full snatch if you can, if not add an overhead squat


5 Rounds for time Aaron Leech

10 Power Snatches 115/75
30 Doubles


Extra work, 8 minutes, 30seconds hollow hold, 30 second supermans

Did you miss the nutrition seminar? Grab an information sheet off the desk and take the first step in controlling your eating habbits.


Warm up-
Get moving, run or row 800
then hit 50 perfect air squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom

Back Squats-
4 sets of 10- these should tough, 10th rep should be a fight, especially on the last 2 sets

15 Minute Amrap
1000M Row Buy in
Then with remaining time Perform an Amrap of
5 power Clean and Jerk 185/135
5 burpees over you bar laterally
Run 100
Core work
30 second hollow hold
30 second of v ups

5 Minutes


FREE NUTRITION SEMINAR TOMORROW AT 8AM! Open to everyone! Bring your friends!
Sunday at 8:00 AM before Sunday Funday Bernie Anderson will be presenting a Nutrition Seminar to help all of you better understand what you should be consuming on a daily basis to help you better fuel your workouts, feel more energized, lose fat, gain muscle or just become overall healthier and happier!

Come see her bright and early this Sunday morning (August 20th) and learn that eating right doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless and receive information on my Nutritional Guidance Programs!


Sunday Funday Wod- simple and effective

warm up wod- run 800 meter with your partner.. with a sandbag!
Wod 1
7 Minutes
7 push ups in the parking lot
10 air squats
Run 100m
One person finishes a round, next one does a round. Score is rounds

Wod 2
12 Minute Amrap
20 Wall balls
20 Burpees
Split work however you want…

Wod 3
7 minutes, as many reps as possible of Man Makers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Front Squat Friday

Bike 5 minutes
Warm Up- 60 Perfect Air Squats. If you’re not to “perfect” yet, we will help and give you drills. Its flexibility for most of you

Front Squat

Wod- 25 minute time cap
Buy in 50 calorie bike
4 rounds for time
100 M farmer carry 50ish pounds for guys 35 for girls
5 Front Squats 185/135
7 Burpees over your bar
——then a cash out—-
20 Power Cleans 185/135

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