8am Endurance- The race we are prepping for is in a few short weeks. Sign up! Put your team as Train Harder Crossfit

8Am- 5k Training
2×200 rest 1 minute in between
4×400 rest 2 minutes between
2×800 rest 3 minutes between
4×400 rest 2 minutes between
2×200 rest 1 minute in between

9AM- Mobility

100 T2B
150 Box Jump Overs
200 Push ups *P1 works P2 Hold a Barbell OH or FR (95/65). Switch everytime bar drops

Warm Up
2 Rounds
15 Kip Swings
10 Squat therapy Reps
10 PVC Passthorugh
10 PVC OHS in Rig

Overhead Squat-Point of performance
Body Postion, Grip, Active Shoulder,
Squat 5×5 60% to 80% going up each set or work light and Focus on full depth

Cal Bike
Snatches 95-65

Warm up and skill
1-10 Banded Hamstring Curls
2- 10 Banded Bicep Curls
3-6 Inchworms W/Push up
4-8 Cossack Squats(can be weighted)
5-10 Jumping Jacks

Get equipment ready and practice double unders.
10 Rds for time
30 Double unders
15 pull ups (Sub ring rows)
30 air squats
100 m sprint
2 minutes rest (Don’t cheat your rest time)

Warm Up
3 Rds
10 Medball Deadlifts
15 Air Squats
10 PVC Pass throughs

Hang Power Snatch
Points of performance- Body Position, Close Bar Path, Extension, Correct overhead position
1- 8 Snatch High pull
2- 6 Pwr Pos Pwr Snatch
3- 6 Hang High Pull
4-7 Hang Pwr Snatch

After EMOM build up to a 1 rep max or Do Light Sets of 5 to practice technique.

3 Rounds
10 KBS (kettle bells swings) 70/55
5 Medball Cleans 30/20

Rest 1 Min

3 Rounds
10 KBS
5 Medball Cleans
Rest 1 min

Finish with 1 Min Max KBS. 2 scores for the wod. TOTAL time and total Kb’s in the last minute.

Warm up and skill work:
15 Min EMOM
1-6 Banded PVC Lat Pulls
2- 10 Kip Swings
3-5 Pull ups
4- 5 Hip To Bar
10 Mins Muscle up practice If you don’t have muscle ups we will help you with the right progressions.
If you don’t have pull ups, we will work on strict pull ups.
-If you do have muscle ups make this 10 minutes a muscle ups emom, choose between one and 4 per minutes depending on your current skill level

When finished get your weights ready and start warming up your squat for the wod
WOD: For Time
10 Back Squats (145/115)
400m Run
8 Back Squats (165/135)
200m Run
6 Back Squats (185/155)
100m Run
4 Back Squats (215/185)

1 377 378 379 380 381 540