Warm Up:
4 min Run(80m)-Bike-Row
2 Rounds
8 Sit Ups
7 Squat Therapy Reps
1x Burgener warm-up w/Empty Bar

Every 2 Minutes For 30 mins
1 Power Clean
–Coaches Notes–
What a good way to end the week, with some SOLID technical work on one of our favorite barbell movements. Go ahead and read that again. today is not about going super heavy it is about good form and focusing on a section of the Power Clean that you may struggle with. The barbell shouldn’t be loaded with anything heavier than 85% of your 1RM but no lighter than 65%. We need a little bit of weight in your hands to be able to pinpoint a section of the lift to focus on for the working sets.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Pause Clean Deadlift 4×5
Pause Timing=3 Second hold at the top. Clean Grip means holding the bar like you are getting ready to clean it, both palms facing you.
Hookgrip is your choice.
Use 80%-110%(yes that’s a thing) OF YOUR CLEAN 1 RM NOT DEADLIFT
Rest as needed between sets.

Image result for Crossfit Power Clean

Remember we are meeting at the Suncoast Trail parking lot at sr54 and the Suncoast at 7:40am to get everyone warmed up before our 8am start. It’s a free event and anyone can come run with us.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds:
2 min Run(400m)-Bike-Row
10 Squat Therapy Reps
10 PVC Pass Throughs
5 Tempo Overhead Squats W/Empty Barbell or PVC (3secs down+ 3secs up)

5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65 (Video Posted Below)
–Coaches Notes–
With Nancy being a benchmark workout you may or may not have a score in your head that you want to beat. If this is your first time going through this workout make sure your OHS weight is light enough that you could do the sets all at once or at least in half. Keep a goal time of under 20 minutes in mind as you set up for the workout. If the OHS is a comfortable movement then you shouldn’t have a problem with that weight for all 15 reps. If you know OHS aren’t really a friend then make sure you are using the appropriate weight and try to use the run to save some time.

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
3 Rounds for Quality of:
25m Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge (Video Posted Below)
You Pick The Weight For Your DBs
Option 2:
Strict Knees-to-Elbows
Build to RX: 50 Reps INT:35 Reps BEG:20 Reps

Image result for Hump Day

**Bring your weight vest if you have them so we can ease back into weight vest Wednesdays! Little wod after the strength,

Warm Up:
4 Min Run(800m)-Bike-Row
3 Rounds
200m shuttle sprint (2x 100 m)
8 Squat Therapy Reps
8 Stiff Legged Deadlifts W/Empty Barbell
6 Sit Ups
4 Broad Jumps

Tempo Deadlift 5×5
Tempo= 5 Seconds Up>2 Second Pause at The Top>5 Seconds Down>2 Second Pause at Floor>Right into next rep with same tempo for 5 reps
RX-50% INT-45% BEG-35% For all 5 Sets
Rest as needed between sets.
–Coaches Notes–
With this workout being set up like a strength set take your time with the sets. Once you figure out what weight you will use for all your sets take your time getting there. You may want to practice the tempo counts with your lighter weights as well. If you really want to check yourself set yourself up where you can see the clock and use it as reference. NEVER SACRAFICE FORM FOR WEIGHT with lifts like this, the Deadlift is the most common lift people like to “forget” how to keep good form.

Wod* Wear a vest if you want
5 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 Bike cals or rower cals
100 M sprint

**Optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
Banded Hamstring Curls 3×10 ((The video posted below is the right movement we will just be going slower and more controlled than him))
Option 2:
Barbell Glute Bridge 3×10 (2nd video posted below, can also been done from the floor)
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

6 Rounds
10 Burpees
10 Bike cals
100 M sprint

What are you doing December 7th? If you answered with “Doing the Inner Gym Competetion” then you are correct. You still have plenty of time to get a partner and get ready for the fun. There are RX and Scaled versions of the workouts and different age divisions.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
1 Min Run(200m)-Bike-Row
10 Jumping Air Squats
6 Good Mornings
4 Strict Pull Ups Or Ring Rows
2 Turkish Get-up Right Arm
2 Turkish Get-up Left Arm

Strict Pull-Up Or Other Progression
Shoulder Press (AKA Strict Press) 65/45 INT-55/35 BEG-45/25
Box Jump 24/20
–Coaches Notes–
The workout today can give a few chances to try out some movements you might be working for. With a “Strict” Pull Up being written try to pull up progression that is challenging for you. Even if you go through the Strict with a band, use a light band . Progression choice will be KEY and you can always switch from round to round, start with the harder one and then finish with your normal progression. For the press, choose a weight you can do at least 7 reps with when fresh, if that isn’t the weight that is listed use whatever that would be for you. Time wise for this workout, lets aim for staying under 20 minutes.

**not optional Accessory Work**
Option 1:
For quality: 15 Wall Walks
Option 2:
Plank Hold Accumulate 1-2 mins
Option 3- 5 Sled pushes as heavy as possible

Warm Up:
5 Rounds:
10m High Knees
10m Butt Kicks
6 Lunges
6 Lateral Lunges (3 per side)
50m Run (increase acceleration each time)
30 secs of rest

Each For Time:
3x 800m Run
Rest as needed between efforts.
4x500M Row
Rest 1:1 between rounds
4X20 cals on the bikes, rest 1:1 between rounds. If
**if you are exceptionally good on the bike up it to 4X30
*** go in any order, if you would like to throw the ski erg in as a substitution for running you can do that, or you can add 4×500 onto you workout. Two people can use the ski erg at one time is you go, i go pattern.

–Coaches Notes:–
Yay for cardio Monday!! All three of these effort should be fast, with the rest as needed between you should find yourself resting close to a 1:1 ratio so that you wont get cold but still having enough time to rest. Push to get back from the runs around 3 to 4 minutes each set. Another goal you could give yourself is to either go faster each round or try to keep your time as consistent as you can keep them.

Optional Accessory Work:
Farmers Carry 3x50m
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set, it is only 50m. It should be heavy enough to make it a slow 50m carry, if you feel like you could run with it then it is too light.
Rest as needed between sets.
DB Tricep Extensions 5×5
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

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