The 2020 CrossFit Open starts this week! (20.1 Release is Thursday Night). If you are interested in signing up you can click here and register.

Warm up:
3 rounds
100m Run
10 Line Hops Each Leg
8 Empty Bar Thrusters
6 Knee Raises

For time
75 Double Unders/Singles
75 Back Squats 45/35 BEG-35/15
75 Sit-ups
75 Double Unders/Singles
75 Burpees
75 Push Press 45/35 BEG-35/15
75 Double Unders/Singles
If you are going for the RX version of the workout, you should be aiming for around 25 min. If you are using a progression aim for staying under 35 minutes.

Last day of bring a friend week. This is a tough one, dont worry we will help with scaling!


30 Min Cap
Teams of 3
60 Clean and Jerk 135/95
400m Team Run
10 Rope Climbs
400m Team Run
100 Bar Facing Burpees
400m Team Run
10 Rope Climbs
400m Team Run
60 Clean and Jerk 135/95

Bring a friend to 1 class or all 3!!
8am Endurance Class
Running version-
2×800 With 4 minutes rest. Run these fast
4×400 with 2 minutes rest
2×800 with 4 minutes

Version 2 with a partner
10 Minutes
Row 2000m and with remaining time perform burpees. score is burpees
Rest 5 Minutes
10 minutes
Bike 100/80
with remaining time perform a AMRAP of
5 burpees
15 air squats. switch every round
At the end of 10 minutes run a mile with your partner.

9am Mobility

10am partner wod

EMOM (with a Partner) in 20 minutes: 5 Thrusters (95/65 lb); 5 Burpees; While partner hangs from Pull-Up Bar

***with a friend new to CrossFit. the friend can use dumbbells.

WOD 2-
200RX 150 Intermediate bike cals with a partner.

3 more day of bring a friend week. Be a good friend, change someones life, get them in here.

Image result for friend meme

Partner warm up
1000m row split how want
40 push ups split how want
40 Pull ups or progression of pull up

12 Minute Amrap (rounds) 30 seconds work, 30 seconds break
Kettlebell deadlifts
kb swings
KB presses (1 KB)

For Time: Parther wod
Strict Pull-up (or progression)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 50/35
Sit ups

Just a few more days to get your friends in here. Bring as many friends as you want as many times as you want.

Warm up
Partner warm up
2 rounds
20 Partner wall balls (bounce the ball off the wall to each other)
20 Slam balls over your shoulder (you go, i go)
20 goblet squats with light kb (10 each then switch)

Grab a barbell
16 Minute EMOM
8 Clean high pulls
8 power position Hang cleans
8 hang cleans
8 push press or push jerks
*Build up to your working for 10 minutes
**Friends go over db clean and jerks if you are not comfortable with the bar.

16 Minutes *friends go 10 minutes
5 hang power clean and jerk (185/135) *friends use dumbbells
10 slam balls
200 m Run

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