Image result for Sunday Funday

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
200m Run
8 Broad Jumps
6 Push Ups
6 Wallballs

20 Minute Assault Bike
EVERY 4 MINS (0:00-4:00-8:00-12:00-16:00)
8 Chest To Bar Pull Ups INT-Pull Up Progression BEG-Ring Rows
8 Box Jump Overs 24/20 BEG-Box Step Overs
50ft Db Front Rack Lunge 50/35 INT-35/25 BEG-25/15
-COACHES NOTES:On 3..2..1 Go… you will start with the 8 C2B Pull Up(or progression) and other movements, once you finish you will get on a bike and ride until the next time set comes up, which will be the 4 Minute mark. You will complete this pattern every 4 Minutes like an EMOM. These are small enough sets that you should be ding the 8 reps unbroken at whatever progression you pick and keep it all fast moving. If we have more people than bikes DON’T YOU WORRY we can set this up so that everyone can enjoy some time on the bike, you’re welcome.-

The Misfit video below goes over the different types of box jump overs you could be using and when to use the different styles effectively and efficiently

DON’T FORGET THE STARKEY MARKET WORKOUT WITH COACH HEATHER TOMORROW AT 8am-9am AT STARKEY MARKET!! We will bring everything you just have to show up and be ready to work

8 am Endurance:
Coaches choice for a warm up, we are going to warm up really well for sprints, so nobody pulls a hammy.
GOING EVERY 30 seconds
20×55 Yard sprints
If you cant run, you will do death by calories on the rower
–COACHES NOTES: Those speedsters should be aiming for 7 to 10 seconds or less per round, if you’re still working on speed drills aim for staying under 15 seconds every sprint round

9am Mobility: “I’ll provide the apples”-Coach Amanda

Image result for contortionist

10am Partner Wod
Row 6k (yes 6,000m)
400 Double Unders
200 Wall Balls 20/14
100 Sit-ups
50 Strict Handstand Push-ups (sub DB presses)
50 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

**Non partner version
Row 3k (3,000)
200 Double Unders or Singles
100 Wall Balls 20/14
50 Sit-ups
25 Strict Handstand Push-ups Kipping HSPU or DB Strict Press
25 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups >Any other Pull Up Preogression
–COACHES NOTES: If you are doing the partner version make your working sets smart and never be afraid to stray from the plan. If you find yourselves gassed then switch it up, maybe try smaller sets. Even if you and your partner are at different progressions still use the same rep counts. If you are attacking it solo be smart on your sets with each movement, know your strengths and weaknesses so you can plan accordingly.–

-If you are not registered for the open it will still be the workout for you class, you just won’t need a judge to score your workout.
If you are registered we will set you up with a judge to verify your score.
-Friday Night Lights will start at 4pm and we will run heats of the workout until 7:15pm.
-There will time Saturday from 8am-10am to do the workout if you are registered. The space will be first come first serve and you will have to set up your own judge.
-There will a chance to redo or complete the workout Sunday BUT THERE WILL ONLY BE TIMES FOR 1ST ATTEMPTS MONDAY, NO REDOS

For those registered for The Open make sure to check the standards and movement requirements by CICKING HERE and clicking the ‘WORKOUTS” tab Or by checking the Train Harder Facebook Page AFTER the announcement at 8p.m.
We will update this page as soon as we can after the announcement.

21 Deadlifts 225/155
21 Handstand Push Ups
15 Deadlifts 225/155
15 Handstand Push Ups
9 Deadlifts 225/155
9 Handstand Push Ups
21 Deadlifts315/205
50ft Handstand Walk
15 Deadlifts 315/205
50ft Handstand Walk
9 Deadlifts 315/205
50ft Handstand Walk
**9 Min Cap

You’ll have two options for today. If you are registered for the open you may want to do Option 2 to save your hands in case bar work shows up in the open.

Warm Up:
2 rounds
1 min of single unders for everyone
10 squats (squat therapy style)
10 ring rows
1x Burgener warm-up with empty bar (45/35 lbs)
The Burgener warm-up consists of the following: 3-5 reps of down & up 3-5 reps of dip, shrug, elbows high & outside 3-5 reps of muscle snatch 3-5 reps of snatch land 3-5 reps of snatch drop 3-5 reps of hang power snatch
****see the video below for the Bergener warm up

Option 1
Cindy 20min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups (If you are doing banded I would suggest cross banded for today)
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
–COACHES NOTES: Those going RX with all the movements aim for 21/17 (guys/girls) rounds. Those adding in scales/progressions OR if Cindy is a new benchmark for you aim for 16/13 rounds. Set yourself up in ONE spot, that way you can go right from the pull up, drop down to your push up, and the pop up for your squats. We will check spaces for those doing ring rows so that way everyone will have enough room.–

Option 2 (might be a better idea if you are doing the open)
For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile
–COACHES NOTES: If this is your first time going though this benchmark, pace is the name of the game. If you know you are a better runner than rower you can use those miles to save the time and vice versa. The start of that second mile might take a second to get your legs back, take the first 250m easy then hit the rest hard.–

All Weightlifting Today

Warm Up:
5 mins Run-Bike-Row
3 Rounds:
5 good mornings
5 Deadlifts with empty barbell
5 Hang power cleans
5 Front squats
5 Shoulder press

Take 20 minutes to build up to the weight you are going to use for the heavy singles below.
If you are not comfortable attempting heavy singles do moderately heavy sets of 3 and work on technique

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Rx-Aim for +/-90% for Each Set INT- Aim for +/-75% BEG-Aim for +/-55% or a weight you’re comfortable with to work on technique
-COACHES NOTES: This class will give you a chance to really break down this movement and either build to that heavy rep or drill a specific part that you know you need work on. For those who are new or may not have a 1 rep max you could also use this time to find one! If this is the first time you are building to a heavy rep make sure a coach is around to help with any adjustments before you just jump into it–

**Optional accessory work**
Shoulder Press 3 Sets of 7-12 Reps
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

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